The Hunt for Answers

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The silence clung to all of us like sticky rice, and it didn't leave us alone until we had all done as Ren said: bathed, eaten, and had some time to ourselves. Still, though none of us talked, I seemed to hear everyone's thoughts clearly, as if I was Leo. Most of them centered around the same concept: now that Reaper is dead, AKA the main agent on our tails since we left Asylum, we feel like we can finally breath. Although barely, considering Elwood is somewhere out there, perhaps planning his next attack. But considering we tend to think alike, I know I wouldn't come back here for a while. I'd need to assemble a team that was bigger, stronger, and smarter than the last.

It'll be awhile.

We all meet in the cafeteria, sitting at the same extensive table. Kya's come back to consciousness and filled in on the events she missed by Ren. The Sages are overjoyed that their master has come back, and though the address him as Master Walker, they still carry the "master" title with Kya's name, too.

From across the room, Cerberus gets his lunch from the Sages and swivels to find a place to sit. We lock eyes, and for a moment he looks fearful, like everyone else who had crossed my path back in Russia. I can't blame him. Hours ago, I was ready to deep fry the little bastard and feed him to the dogs. If it wasn't for him, then maybe Elwood would be dead instead of his girlfriend. If it wasn't for Reaper taking the blow and dying in his place, I might still be willing to kill him.

However, seeing him in such agony and loss made me rethink taking his life. For one, Reaper dying was enough consequence for him switching sides on us, even after Kya stuck her neck out for him. But also, with how much I've been through with these people and how much they've accepted me, even after learning about my past, I have a new, faint sense of loyalty towards them. It's strange, being the one devoting a part of myself to other people instead of demanding the devotion. It's even stranger that I don't totally mind it. So, seeing how dedicated Cerberus really was towards Lana, I not only despised him in his taste, but found myself twistedly admiring his faithfulness to her. Sure, I'll be keeping a tight vigil on him as long as he's in the vicinity, but I don't think I'll be planning his assassination. And not to mention...he tried to kill me, too, so we're technically even.

Unexpectedly, he carries his silver tray over and plops down in the seat next to me. Across from us, Sarah fidgets with her silverware and wearily watches us. I'm not shocked by her distrust with Cerberus being within arm's reach of me. Sarah is anti-violence on legs, so attempting to burn a hole through an ex-acquaintance doesn't exactly gain her approval.

"Should we talk about it?" Cerberus quietly inquires, studying me with eyes puffy from crying.

I shrug, then slurp down a giant forkful of ramen. "Talk about what?" I ask with a full mouth.

Cerberus looks offended; bunching up his shoulders, taking a deep breath to argue, and opening his mouth to shout. Then he realizes that wasn't my attention. To me, I know where I stand with Cerberus. I'm not exactly an ally, but I'm not an enemy of his, either. I'm just someone who's skeptical of where he'll go next, now that Reaper is dead. In my mind, the issue passed the moment our lightning bolts attacked each other.

Cerberus must know where he stands with me, too. Unsurely, he munches on his own bowl of steaming ramen, slowly chewing as he loses himself in thought. "Nothing," he whispers. Cerberus absentmindedly stirs his food around, having a myriad of other things to ponder over. I'm content with the silence, so naturally, he ruins it. "Where do you think her body went?"

This isn't something I'd like to divulge in while I'm trying to unwind, but I respond with the intent of silencing him. "We have supernatural powers. Maybe something supernatural happens to us when we die, too. Either way, nobody is going to deal with it until they're not looking over their shoulder every two seconds. Me included. Just eat and –"

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