[Chapter Twenty-Five] The Lost Boy

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Chapter Twenty-Five – The Lost Boy
Bailey's Pov

He didn't say much on how he was feeling; I don't think he even knows how he's feeling at this point. I think he feels sad because the man was his father but also I think he's relieved he doesn't have to worry about his mother anymore.

But I think on top of all that he's confused because he doesn't know how he's supposed to feel should he feel. He's probably wondering why he should feel sad when his father was so horrible to him, but what kind of child feels relief when his father dies.

And then to top it all off there's a new worry for his mother and what will happen to her since she was the one who killed him.

This whole situation was so screwed up and I don't know how he's going to handle it long term. I don't want him to leave soon knowing that he's messed up because I don't want him turning back to drugs to cope with his emotions.

I wish I knew what to say to him right now or how to react to this situation but I've never been in one like this before. I wish there was a hand book for how you're supposed to deal with these situations.

He was sleeping beside me now, his eyes still puffy. Lacey came in and I quickly shushed her.

"You two made up?" she asked

"Not exactly." I still don't know where we stand after everything. I know he's hurting and I want to be here for him, but I'm still hurt by what he said and part of me is saying he meant every word he said.

"Then why is he here?" she asked

"His dad is dead." I told her and she gasped and looked at him.

"Oh my god, how?" she whisper yelled.

"That's something he needs to tell you, when he's ready." I gave her the best smile I could; it wasn't my business to tell her

"Oh." She said

"Someone killed him and the reason behind it and the person is a personal thing to him. I'm sorry, It's just not my story to tell you."

"I can understand that. You know, I'm jealous of you two." She sat on her bed and watched my run my hands through his hair as he slept

"Why?" I asked confused

"Because he was a dick but you're still here for him and he would be for you too. You have someone who truly cares about you."

"We care about you too, you know." I told her and she smiled

"I know, it's just not the same, you know. He cares about me like a friend or sister, the same way you do. I don't have someone to care about me in a romantic way."

"You'll find her one day, Lace." I believed that fully.

"You think so?" she asked

"I do, you're such a kind and amazing person. You're bubbly and happy and have gone out of your way to make things better for me here. You've taken care of me, listened to me cry, and been there for me. Any lesbian would be insane not to love you." I told her honestly. Part of me wished I was a lesbian so I could really show her how amazing she was.

"I don't know, they'll hear drug addict and nothing else." She sighed, and I could empathize with her. it wasn't going to be easy getting out of here, as soon as you try to be honest about your addiction and how you've recovered people label you an addict and give you a time limit until you relapse.

People are close minded about it, and sure we made mistakes but us three in here at least, we're young and still have our whole lives ahead of us. Julian's the oldest and is nearing mid-twenties.

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