Chapter 10: Uninterested

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"WHAT THE FUCK MANGLE!" I said while pushing Mangle away from me. "Springtrap what's wro-"She said. "DON'T DO THAT EVER AGAIN!" I said cutting her off. "But." She said. "NO! Don't ok." I said. I walked away pissed at her for doing that. "Fucking hell!" 

Mangle's P.O.V

Springtrap looked really angry when he walked away after for what I did. It was just a hug to thank him, but he didn't like it. He took it as if it was a bad thing. "Maybe he doesn't like being hugged. I should say sorry" I said to myself. I walked over to him to apologize. He was in the bathroom by himself staring at the mirror. I knew going in the boys bathroom was weird but I didn't mean to make him mad. Not to mention people say animatronic's don't have genders, but who am I to judge. I wanted to make things right and not cause a whole conflict between the two of us. "Springtrap, can I talk to you?" I asked. He looked at me then back at the mirror as he sighed. "What do you want." He said. "I'm sorry if you didn't like me doing that to you I was only trying to thank you for fixing me." I said. "If you don't like being hugged I understand." "It's not that." He said. "W-Well then what is it?" I asked. "Mangle, ever since I...well been through all this shit, I've changed." He said. "Changed?" I asked. "I'm not person I once was, well since being a murderer and killing all those children. Most of my emotion and passion is gone expect my hate." He said. There was a minute of silence until I said "Springtrap I understand." "Really?" He said. "I mean, I do really, but maybe I can help you regain that." I said. "If only." He said. "I'll go now bye." I said. I left the bathroom because I wanted to give him his space. But that wasn't the only reason why I hugged him. It's because I have a crush on him. 

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