Chapter 37: The deed

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"Uhhhhhhhh...what happened?" My vision was starting to come together, but all I could make out so far was darkness. My body felt like it was in something; like a suit. I tried to move but my body felt stiff. Something was preventing me from moving. I could barely move my head and now I could see my surroundings a little. There were animatronic heads everywhere on selves in the room. Then I realized where and what I was in now. I was stuck in a Freddy suit and I was in the back room. "Great, I'm not dead but I'm stuck in a damn suit." I said. "Perhaps not." Said a unfamiliar voice. "Who't there?" I questioned. Then I felt the head of the suit being removed to reveal a thing that looked like Freddy. Except it was purple and it didn't seem like it was real. "I'm Shadow Freddy." He replied. "I can see your in a...situation." "What? That I'm stuck in a fucking suit!" I responded. "'ve made mistakes, been betrayed, and left to be dead." Said Shadow Freddy. "But you can repair your mistakes." "Why should I? And how do you knpw this?" I asked. "I know everything." He responded. "And unless you want to be stuck in that suit, you have no other choice." He said. I sighed because I wanted to make Henry pay. "Fine...what do you want me to do." I said. "I want you to destroy the animatronics." He said. "Why, the way I see it your making me do something I wouldn't mind doing?" I asked. "Because in order to stop the horror, we need to free the souls and that's the only way to do that." He replied. "Hmm...fine." I said. "Good." He responded. Then he pulled the suit of me and I was now free. "But before I do this may I ask, why are you helping me and what are you really?" I asked. "I was one of the workers who died by the Spring-locks in the Fredbear suit. However my soul sorta mixed in with the Fredbear suit and now this is me. However I've been watching what you've done and I know you don't want to do this. But if you help me free the children, well...then there might be hope for you." He said. "Seems reasonable." I said. "By the way, you might need this." He said while handing me an ax. I looked down at it. "Ok...lets get this over with."

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