Chapter 12: Right direction

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Nothing was ever going to change to be honest; or at least me. Going through all this is has changed me and I don't think it can ever be reversed. "But if there's one thing I can do is stop HIM." I said to myself. I left the bathroom and saw Mangle waiting for me at the door. "You okay?" She asked. "I'm fine." I responded. "Anyways I got the disk so we just need to plug it into computer and we should hopefully find something." I said. "Well it's not like we have a computer intact that we can use." Said Mangle sarcastically. "Hey Mangle, follow me." I said while walking. I walked into the old office and pulled the desk out with a computer in it. "WAIT! You have a computer hidden here?" Mangle asked. "Henry hid it here for me to-um well...tap into the camera's without using the monitor." I said. "Oh." She said. I opened it up and plugged in the disk and I saw  a file, ready to put me in the right direction. I opened it and scam through it to find anything. The only thing it had was a prerecording of the bite and that was titled "LOCATION." I skipped the bite file because I don't think I need to see that a second time and neither did Mangle. I opened it to see the address of the second location. "Hmmmm." I said. "What is it?" Mangle asked. "The location address was on you, but animatronic's were never supposed to have the pizzeria's locations they were at." I said. "So your point?" Said Mangle. "I think somebody want us get on the trail to find my dad." I said. "You think it's Henry?" Asked Mangle. "No I don't think so, he wouldn't do something like this." I said. "But that means we have a lead on my father. We're going to the second location."

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