Chapter 18: Moving on

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"Does it say?" I said looking at the paper closer to see if it was true. But I actually couldn't believe at what it said. It said that the third location had the new address for where my dad was living. "YES! Finally I'm in the right direction to finding my father." I said excited. After going in blind for a while I knew this would actually be true, and I had a destination that would grant me the way to find my dad. "I should tell Mangle." I said. I started heading towards where the stage was to see if she was in there. "MANGLE!" I called out. There was no response back what so ever. "MANGLE! WHERE ARE YOU?" I called out again. There was still no response. I was getting a little annoyed since I wanted to leave this place and go already. I then saw her in the area where she used to be back then staring at the ground. I walked over to see what she was up too. "MANGLE! I've been calling out for you what have y-" I stopped as I started to realize why she was staring at the ground. "Mangle there is nothing you could've done it was my fault the bite happened." I said. She looked up at me "it's not just that, its my friends." She said. "Mangle I have to say it but you just have to move on." I said. "Move on." She said. "People die also-well I kinda have too-but you robots can be rebuilt and maybe my father can rebuild them." I said. "You think so?" Mangle said. "My dad made them so I'm pretty sure he can do it." I said. Mangle smiled as she said "perhaps there still some good in you." She said. "Perhaps." I said. "Anyways the address to my dads house is at the third location so we should head there as soon as possible. "Hey um SpringTrap?" Asked Mangle. "What?" I said. Then she came over to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. "UUUHHHHH WHAT!?"

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