Chapter 44: Breaking point

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"FREDBEAR!" I muttered. He was alive, but how? And that Funtime Freddy was there with him. "YOU!" Said Fredbear out of nowhere. "I remember you, your the reason why my place shut down." I didn't care for what he had to say at this point or how he was still functioning. "That doesn't matter." I responded. "WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Yelled Funtime Freddy. "You mean me and Mangle." I corrected him. "What? He responded sounding confused. "Hmm...he doesn't seem evil." I thought. "Doesn't matter, where is he?" I demanded. "First who the hell are you?" Asked Funtime Freddy. "So he wants to play that game huh?" I thought. "I'm Springtrap, or formerly known as Michael Afton. I said. "What!" Said Funtime Freddy. He seemed shocked to hear my name, perhaps he knew me some how? "Now where is my father!" I demanded. I was tried of excuses and I wanted answers. "He's dead." He responded. "What!" I said shocked. "He died of old age I'm sorry." He responded. I didn't say anything for a minute. "No, he has to be lying." I thought. "NO! THAT'S NOT TRUE!" I yelled at him. "It is, I saw him die right in front of my eyes." Responded Funtime Freddy. I didn't say anything. He seemed like he was telling the truth. And I felt he was right. I did all this but for what, for it to be a waste of time? A tear came down. I couldn't believe someone who could've helped me stop my greatest enemy, was gone. And that was the only family I had left. Now there was hate in me again. More then there ever was in me. "Then there is only one thing to do left." I said. I grabbed the ax Mangle had out of her hands. She seemed worried on what I was gonna do. "By destroying you." I said. Then I charged at him with full speed. "THIS IS YOUR END!" I yelled with anger. "Sorry but not today." He said. I tried to hit him with my ax but he dodged it. It hit the floor as I tried to quickly pull it out. With the chance, Funtime Freddy punched me causing me to fall down and let go of the ax. He quickly grabbed it and pulled it out. "I don't want to hurt you, but I well if I have to." Said Funtime Freddy. "Then you will." I responded. With my chance I tried to grab it out of his hands. However for him, he knew not to let go. With all his strength, he held on tight. It was a balance of our strength that was keeping from one another getting the weapon. But that caused the ax to fling out of our hands. It landed in the floor next to Mangle. "Fredbear! Free Foxy, I'll keep him busy." Said Funtime Freddy. Fredbear went for her as I yelled "MANGLE! STOP HIM!" She nodded as she ran towards his direction. While I was distracted, Funtime Freddy punched me. This staggered me but I managed to hold myself from that. "Springtrap, I'm sorry about your father. If I could I would do something to prevent him from dying." Said Funtime Freddy. "Sorry doesn't change things." I said. "SORRY DOESN'T BRING HIM BACK." I said while kicking him in the face. I knocked him down. "FREDDY!" Yelled Funtime Foxy. She was running towards him with Fredbear. "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" I yelled. Mangle came over saying "SPRINGTRAP! Maybe we shouldn't kill him." She said. "Don't hurt him!" Said Baby. "NO! I BEEN THROUGH ALL THIS SHIT AND NOTHING GOOD HAS COME OUT OF IT!" I yelled. Then I looked down at Funtime Freddy as I held my ax in the air. "And someone has to feel my pain." I said. "NOOOOO!" Screamed Funtime Foxy. "STOP!" Said a voice from behind me. I turned around to see Shadow behind me. "Springtrap, do you really want to do this?" He asked. "Of course! My dad is dead and I couldn't do anything about it." I said. "But is it necessary to take the life's of others for your mistakes, just like you killed those children." Said Shadow. "Even if their a robot, that could be something more." He added in. I stared at the ground for a minute, he was right. How would this fix my problems? How would this benefit me in anyway? He wouldn't do the same thing I was gonna do. "Like I said, you can fix this, but this is not one of the ways to do that." Said Shadow Freddy. I dropped my ax and sat down. "I don't know what is going on with me." I said. Funtime Freddy got up as he said "I know you just tried to kill me, but I will say, I forgive you." I looked up at him. "You don't need to." I responded. "I...saw the newspaper that dated back when you went missing, I think your father would've done anything to find you if he knew your were alive. Even last resort thoughts." He said. "Thanks." I mumbled. "Before he...passed away, he made me in his last dying breathe to be his last creation. Said Funtime Freddy. "And to be something more." "And whats that?" I asked curious for his answer. "In a way, he wanted me to take his place. maybe to carry on his legacy." He responded. "Yeah...a failed one at the very least." I said. "Well...maybe to make a new one...or complete it." Said Funtime Freddy. "To me he saw things, differently then any other person I've heard if. Hell if I know, maybe that's why we're alive. And maybe your father would've understand your pain and helped you with it." He said. I took a minute to take this in. Perhaps my dad had a different perspective on things that may be the reason for the strange and unexplained things. "Perhaps he was a good father with something more to him." I said. "Well not to ruin this moment but...WHAT THE HELL IS GOING IN!? Yelled Baby. Before anyone had a chance to say anything, the door slammed opened. We all turned to see a figure in the door way. "W-Who is that?" Asked Funtime Freddy. "I don't kn-...wait?" I said. The figure walked in as I got a clearer visual of the mysterious person. "Golden Freddy?" 

To be continued in


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