Chapter 18- Catch Up Day

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Sunday, July 20, 8:14 am

Connor's POV:

"Hey what's up you guys, it's Connor. And this weeks theme on O2L is roomates so what ever one of my roomates wakes up first will be in my video. Oooo, someone is coming now. And it's... Destiny!" I said starting my video.

"Why are you socializing with me before 9 o'clock?" she complained.

"Why are you up before 9 o'clock?" I retorted.

"Well. If you must know. I couldn't sleep." She said.

"Oh. Well this week on O2l is roomate week. Wanna go to the mall with me and we can vlog?" I asked.

"Ya. I guess. We need a catch up day. But first, lets go to Starbucks." She said to me.

"Alright lets goooooooo!" I said swooping her up bridal style.

"Connor Franta! Put me down right now, or I won't be in your stupid video!" She screamed.

"Fine." I sighed but before I could put her down Ricky ran downstairs.

"Destiny! I heard screaming." He said in a panic. I set her down.

"I am fine Ricky." She said kissing him.

"Ew. Can we just go?" I said disgusted at my bestfriends kissing.

"Go. Go where?" Ricky asked.

"Connor wants me to be in his video for roomate week, so we are going to the mall to vlog." Destiny explained.

"Ok, but if she gets hurt. You die." Ricky said not so jokingly and really close my face.

"Ricky. Calm down we will be fine." I said putting my arm around Destiny's shoulder as Ricky glared at me.

"Ricky you don't have to protect me. Connor is my bestfriend." Destiny said kind of annoyed.

"But I am worried about you." He pouted. Destiny ran over to him and kissed his cheek.

"I'll be fine." She whispered before we left.

Destiny's POV

Ok that was really weird. Why was Ricky being so over protective. I mean it was kinda cute but also a little annoying. an- My thoughts were inturupted by a text.

Ricky<3 - are you still alive - Love, Ricky

Destiny- Ricky I left literally 30 seconds ago. What is going on with you?

Ricky- Nothing.

Destiny- Are you sure? You seem a little on edge.

Ricky- I just want you to stay safe. I don't want to loose you.

Destiny- Baby you'll never loose me

Ricky- Kisses

Destiny- Kisses, see you later

Ricky- Bye

"That was the weirdest conversation I have ever had with Ricky." I told Connor.

"Why?" He asked pulling into the Starbucks parking lot. We aren't going to the one at the mall becasue we know it will be crowded.

"I don't know. I mean he just seemed so worried about nothing. Am I just worrying about nothing?" I said.

"I am sure he's fine." He told me as he held the dooor open for me.

"Thanks Franta." I smied as I walked into the most amazing building in the world.

"Hey guys!" A fimiliar voice called out.

"Oh hey Taylor!" I said waving ot my new friend.

"The usual Connor?" She asked. He nodded.

"You have... a usual?" I asked. I am not sure why I was so shoked. He practiclly lives here.

"You don't?" He asked sassily. I shook my head. "Peasants." He said putting his hand in my face.

"Well anyways." I laughed. "I'll get a Vanilla Frappuccino." I said taking out my wallet, but before I could unzip it Connor already took out his credit card and handed it to Taylor. "Connor you don't hav-" I started but he cut me off.

"I want to pay though." He told me.

"Fine." I sighed as we sat down.

"Hey what's up you guys it's Connor. So as I said this week on O2L Is roomate week. And I am here with my bestfriend and favorite roomate. Ms. Destiny Brogan." I waved at Connors Camera. "

(I am typing on my phone now so sorry if there are typos!!!)

"Oh and don't tell my four other roommates that she's my favorite roommate." He whispered to the camera.

For the next 20 minutes we just talked to each other and the camera but then we were mobbed by fans.

"O my gosh it's Connor Franta!" "O my gosh it's Destiny Brogan!" "Are you cheating on Ricky?" There were like 10 girls.

"Run!" Connor said grabbing my hand. When we got in the car we were out of breath because we had to run around the parking lot a little bit. "Are you sure you still want to go to the mall?" He asked.

"No I don't." I replied. Connor pulled out his camera.
"Hey guys there was a change of plans. We aren't going to the mall because ten of you just mobbed us and now we are exhausted. So..." Connor kept talking but I didn't listen because I got a text from Ricky saying 'why is #Donnor trending on twitter?'


Hey guys! I actually really like this chapter. I am proud of it! soooooooooo do you ship Donnor or just like their friendship cause I just like their friendship but if you comment what you like better I'll decide what to do next! Bye


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