Chapter 23- I Love Her

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September 27, 12:57 pm

Destiny's POV

     It's been two weeks since we got home from Colorado, and it's great having my friends live next door. If you're wondering what happened when Sofia knocked on the door. Well, I just slamed the door in her face and never spoke to her again. No, I am totally kidding. We hung out with her for a bit and then I never saw her again. She was sweet, but very talkative. Anyways I am leaving any second to go to the mall with Emily. When she got here I hopped in her car. And I noticed someting I had never really noticed before.

     "Hey Emily?" I started.

     "Yeah?" She responded.

     "You look a lot like Sasha Pieterse, from Pretty LIttle Liars." (on the side) I said.

      "You know? I get that more than you would think." She laughed as she turned on the radio.

     "O MY GOSH I LOVE THIS SONG!" I screamed as 'Me and My Broken Heart' by Rixton came on. Naturally I started singing, but so did Emily. And she was really good. "Emily! You are so good."

     "No. Not really." She laughed.

     "What are you talking about?! I already filmed my video for this week, but next week we are recording a duet." I said. 

      "But-" Emily started but I cut her off.

      "NO buts, just singing!" I yelled like a crazy person. 

      "Fine, I'll do it." She sighed defeated.

     "Good! Now lets shop!" I cheered because we arrived at the mall.

Scott's POV

     Something bad is going on. I have never told anyone, but I am in love with Destiny. 

Mollie's POV

     I was laying on the couch, watching a movie with Kian, when I heard a knock at the door. I told him I would be right back. I opened the door to see Scott crying, so I gave him a big hug.

     "What's wrong?" I asked him.

     "Everything! Everything is horrible right now!" He screamed through tears. 

     "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked stepping away from our embrace, and he nodded. "Kian! I need to help Scott with something, I'll be back in fifteen minutes."

       "K, but I'll miss you." Awww Kian is so cute. Once we got out of the house we walked to Scott and Tess's house. Then, we sat on the couch, and we didn't have to worry about Tess being there because she was at Six Flags with one of her friends from Colorado, that came to visit.

     "K. So what's going on?" I asked the now calmer Scott. He took a deep breath.

   "I am in love with someone, that I know will never love me back and it's killing me." He confessed.

     "Can you tell me who it is?" I questioned.

     "Only if you promise you won't get mad." Scott said. Uh oh is it me? That wouldn't be good and I might be mad, but I agreed anyway.

    "I promise."

     "It's Destiny." He barely managed to get out.

     "Oh Scott." I sighed. "Why are you doing this to yourself? And how long have you felt this way.?"

     "Ten years." He look at his feet.

     "Oh no." I patted his shoulder. "You have it bad."

     "I know." He sighed. 

      "Tell me exactally what you are feeling and maybe we can get you through this." I told Scott.

     "OK so I feel like Destiny is perfect and beautiful. She has this smile that makes my heart melt. And her laugh...Oh her laugh is contageous. I can't help but smile when I am around her. But then I frown knowing that I missed my oppertunity to have my dream girl. It's so aggrivating (A/N your welcome Sia for using that for. If you are not Sia then don't try to understand what I am talking about...) to know that I can never have her because she is obviously in love with Ricky, and I don't want to hurt her by telling her these feeling I have. I mean she is my best friend and I have to see her face every day and act like she is my best friend and only my best friend. But the truth is she isn't my best friend. She is the girl that I want to be my girlfriend." Scott confessed and was crying again. He stood up and pounded his fist on the wall. Then, he placed his forhead up against the wall and turned around. He then slowly slid down the wall bring his knees to his chest. "I love her Moll, I really do." He cried into his knees. I stood up and walked over to him. Then, I sat on the floor next to him and gave him a hug. 

     "I know you do Scott, but there is another girl out there. You may never love her as much as you love Destiny, but she will be there for you, just remember that. And also promise me one thing. Don't do anything stupid, like kiss Destiny or something." I told him, and he started to calm down.

     "Thank you Mollie. and I won't." He resonded.

     "Anytime Scott, just know I am always here for you." I said helping him up. He nodded and we gave eachother one last hug before I left to go finish my movie with Kian.

Emily's POV

     "Today was so much fun Des! We have to do it again." I smiled at Destiny.

     "Agreed." She laughed as we put all our bags in the car."

3rd Person POV (That will be called LaTayna) (< The name LaTayna is a joke from my Language Arts class, and also I got the idea of naming my 3rd person POV from a fan fic I read and I wish I remembered what it was)

LaTayna's POV

     Destiny had an amazing day today, but little did she know that she was in for a surprise from Scott. Yup. You guesses it. Scott is not going to keep is promise to Mollie. His feelings for her just get the best of him and he makes his move. Is this gonna break up Rickiny or is it going to just ruin Destiny and Scott's friendship. Scott thinks everything will be ok. But he is to in love to think about other peoples feelings.


QOTD= Questin of the day

QOTD- Rickiny or Scotiny?


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