Chapter 27- Miley Cyrus

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I'M BACK! I am making dinner for my 15 year old sister and dad right now. I'm 13... I think that makes me the awesomemest person ever! ok I'll shut up now! I am trying to make this move a little faster so bare with me. 


Saturday, November 5, 10:45 am (hehehe dats my friends bday) 

Destiny's POV

      I rolled over and checked my phone. It read November 5, 2014 and it was 10:45 so I could scream.

       "AHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed in excitment as everyone ran into my room. 

       "Destiny what happened!?" Ricky said sitting on the bed. 

       "You know what day it is... it's November 5th, and November 5th, means Miley Cyrus." I sang to the tune of Rhett and LInk's Thursday mail song. Ricky started to laugh.

      "Ahhhhh! and you still haven't met them have you?" He asked. 

      "No." I said in a sad tone. "Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.... PLAYLIST TRI-STATE IS IN 16 DAYS!" I screamed excited again. It was my first time going to one of those events. 

       "YAY!" everyone else cheered, because ya know... they are all YouTubers. 

       "Ok now shoo so I can get changed." I told them and then I went and rummaged through my closet to find something perfect. After what felt like forever I decided on a tribal print, tight fit top, with a black high waisted skirt (on the side. Also have you ever noticed that in almost every fan fiction the main girl is totally tumblr... ya me too. Guilty as charged. Thats not gonna happen in the next fan fic I am writing. The whole thing will be based off of clothes I own and it's all bout me. Wow that sounded coincided. I think I should just shut up again. Back to the story lol)  Then I let my hair stay in it's natural waves.

     When I walked down stairs Ricky popped out and scared me. Then he picked me up and spun me around then gave me a kiss. 

    "Hello beautiful" he whispered putting me down and wrapping his arm around my waist.

     "Not looking to bad yourself pickle." I teased. He removed his arm from my waist and walked away. I frowned and slumped on the couch. Did I do something wrong?

Ricky's POV

      I left the room to get my surprise for Destiny. It was back stage passes for tonight's show. I have my connection. When I walked back into the living room Destiny was sitting on the couch with her chin rested on her hands and she looked sad. 

     "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked sitting next to her. She looked up at me disappointed.

      "You left." She frowned with her voice cracking. "You left right after I made a joke so I thought you were mad." I leaned over and gave her a kiss.

       "I left to get you these." I told her pulling three back stage passes from behind my back. Her jaw dropped. "I can tell by the look on your face that your excited." I laughed.

        "How did- why did- O my Gosh" She said not finishing any of her sentences. 

        "I have connections." I said giving her a kiss but then we were interrupted by me getting a text.

From JennXslay- Get your butt over here, I am waiting

To JennXslay- Shoot I forgot gurl. Do I need to bring my weave?

From JennXslay- Yes now come on. 

      "Who was that?" Destiny asked.

      "oh it was Jenn I forgot I was doing a collab with her today, I'll see you tonight okay?

      "Okay. bye." I gave her a small kiss then left. Then I walked back in. 

      "Oh and Kian is going over Sam's, Mollie is going with him and Jc is with Lia so it's just you and Con. Okay bye." I smiled and shut the door again.

Connor's POV

      HMMMM what to do what to do. Emily is on vacation and everyone is out somewhere. OOOO but not Destiny! Yay best friend day!

      "OHHHHHH BEST FRIEND!" I called from my room.

      "WHAT DO YOU WANT IDIOT!" She laughed back.


      "OKAY!" she yelled as I heard footsteps up the stairs. She ran in an sat down next to me on my bed. "Hi." She smiled. Of course I was on my laptop so she leaned over to see what I was doing. 

      "Eh Eh Eh, I dont like it when people read over my shoulder." I said shutting my laptop. But just to make me feel bad she put her face on my shoulder and started to fake cry which I knew was fake. "You are such a weird Des." I laugh pushing her head of my shoulder which caused her to roll of the bed. "Shit, sorry. You ok?"

       "Yeah." She sighed standing up. "So what do ya want to do?"

We ended up filming the best friend tag then she had to go to the concert. 

LaTayna's POV (Do you remember LaTayna? If not go back to chapter 23)

      Ricky, Destiny, and Mollie all arrived to the concert and got to their seats in the front row. They  sang along to every song and then when the concert ended they ran back stage. When they got there they took pictures with Miley and talked to her for a couple minutes while they vlogged. It was what Destiny said as "the best night ever!" but she doesn't know what will happen at Playlist live on hers and Ricky's 4 month anniversary



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