Chapter 20- The Plane Ride

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Guys I have..... 550 READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH


Friday, September 12, 4:30 a.m.

Destiny's POV

      Today's the day we leave for Colorado. I am so excited to see all my family and friends. Yes, Ricky is coming, and so is Kian. This is going to be the best trip ever! 

     We got in the car and drove off to our 7:30 a.m. flight. I was sitting in the passengers seat, with Ricky driving while Kian and Mollie were in the back. As we pulled up to the airport we all put on our hats and sunglasses, so we wouldn't get mobbed. 

     "You excited?" Ricky asked me.

     "Yes!" I replied with excitement. It may have been early in the morning but I LOVE traveling. We sat in the terminal until our plane came and then we boarded. We were in first class, so we sat down, took off our disguises and started to relax. I put my headphones in and shut my eyes because I was tired. Minutes later as coach was boarding I heard the sound of a young girl scream. My eyes shot open to see a 14 year old, girl in an O2L sweatshirt jumping up and down.

      "O-MY-GOSH." She said stunned. "I can't believe I am on the same flight as some of my favorite YouTubers. We all smiled. 

       "Hi, what's your name?" I asked. 

     "Sofia." She told us.

     "Come on!" Another person boarding yelled. "Cut the chit chat and keep walking." 

     "Come visit us when the seatbelt sign turns off." I said to Sofia as she walked away. Ok, so for the next thirty minutes I have peace and quiet. It's not that I don't love my fans. It's just sometimes I need, Destiny time. I put my earbuds back in and put my playlist on shuffle. The Best  Song Ever by One Direction came on and I started to hum.

     When the song ended I heard Ricky laughing, and looked at him to see him recording me. I took my earbuds out.

      "What?" I asked confused.

      "You sang the whole thing." He told me laughing. I blused becasue I didn't even realize I was singing. Whoops.

~~~~~25 minutes later~~~~~

       The seatbelt sign just turned off so three... two...

      "Hi!" Sofia said out of breath.

     "Hi." All four of us said in sinc.

     "So. Do you want a picture?" I asked. Of couse she said yes and we talked for a little. It turned out her and her mom were moving to the small town of Brookeside Colorodo, Which is where we are going. I asked her what house number and it turned out to be right next door, so we are going to be seeing a lot of her. 

      Finally we landed and we ran out of the airport. When we ran out side we saw my parents car there to pick us up and we all squeezed into the car.

     "So you are the famous Ricky and Kian." My mom said from the passenger seat. "So nice to meet you." 

      "Nice to meet you too Mrs. Brogan." Ricky smiled.

      "Mrs. Brogan is my mother-in-law. Please, call me Laura." My mom told him, like she tells everyone.

      "Ok. Well then hello Laura." Ricky replied. 

      "Hello Ricky." She said. "And hello Kian. So nice to finally see you." My mom said to Kian.

     "Nice to see you too Laura." The rest of the car ride wasn't too awkward. My dad wouldn't say a  word though. 

     When we got to the house my mom asked if it would be fine for Ricky and Kian to stay in the same room, because we only had one guest room, and they agreed. When we were all done unpacking, we went to the dining room for lunch. As we sat around the table we were catching up.

     "Daddy." I started. "Wil you please introduce yourself." I said glaring at him for being rude. 

     "Hi. I am Roger Brogan, but you can call me Mr. Brogan." My dad said with a straight face then sat down. 

     "Daddy can Mollie and I talk to you in the other room please." I asked him and gave a look to Mollie. She nodded understanding and we all walked into the living room. 

     "Dad, what is up with you? You've said nothing but, what? ten words!" I was pretty upset.

     "Yeah." Mollie agreed. "Mr. Brogan? Seriouslly dad? You always go by Roger."

     "I just." he sighed. "Don't like you boyfriends." He told us. Mollie and I glanced at each other.

     "Don't like!" I said raising my voice. "You barely even know them!" I was on the verge of tears.

     "You know what Dessy, you're right. I mean I'm just upset because my little girls are growing up. You're living in your own house!" he said telling us what was really on his mind.

     "About that..." I trailed off.

     "What?" my dad asked concerned.

     "The house kind of burned down." I told my dad. He tried to cut me off. "We are fine. Just let me explain everything that happened in the past three months.

     "Ok." My dad said and we walked back into the dining room, this time with him smiling like he always is. "On second thought boys." he started. "Call me Roger."


Hey guys! I have a funny story. So my dad asked me if I was writing any good story/plays lately, and I told him about this. He asked me if he was in it. And I told him he was goin to be soon. I asked him if he wanted his name to be Mike (his real name) but before I could finish asking the question he cut me off saying "Roger!" Which is his favorie name. Don't ask me why because I don't know. 

So then I asked him if he wanted to like my "boyfriend" or not and he asked "What's his name?" so I told him Ricky Dillon and he said I don't want to like him because his name is stupid and I was litterally cracking up. and now I am cracking up writing this. OK BYE!!!!!!!! can we get me to 600 reads please!!!

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