Chapter 6

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You sat in the trainee loung with the others. They looked nervous and excited at the same time. Being chosen for a placement was one of the most important parts in their lives since they now work with the organization.

You however felt a bit bored. It felt like forever before they posted the scores and the placements.

You immediately raced over to look. You looked at the Levi Squad placements and gazed over to list. The trainees that made it into his squad were Eren, Petra, Mikasa, and you.
You smiled in happiness and then looked at your score. Your eyes widened. You had tied with the highest score overall. You mentally screamed with joy and then raced out of the room to find your father.

You soon arrived at his office and knocked. You then let yourself in and Erwin looked up and smiled.

"I think you've read the placement and scores," he stated.

You leaped over and hugged your father tightly.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" You said and smiled.

"You shouldn't be thanking me. Thank Levi. He wanted you to be in his squad," Erwin stated.

"Levi? He chose me himself," you said shocked.

"Yeah. He said you have a lot of potential," Erwin stated and then hugged you tightly. "I'm so proud of you. But your next mission will be coming up soon with your squad to solve the shooting case you were involved with. So get to work. All the squads should be meeting up now."
You nodded and then raced out of the room and down the hall.

/Time skip\
You arrived in the Levi Squad lounge and looked around. There was a drink machine, a couch and chairs, and a flat screen tv. You smiled and then looked around at everyone. You decided to sit down beside Mikasa. Eren looked over at you and smiled.

"Hi! You must be (y/n). I'm Eren. That's Mikasa," he stated friendly.

"Nice to meet you," you said.

Petra sat by herself in the corner waiting for the current squad members and leader to arrived to get this meeting started. You gazed over at her but then everyone walked in.
The squad consisted of you and the rest of the trainees who made it. Then there was Eld, Oulo,  Gunther, and the squad leader Levi. Everyone sat down besides Levi. He just stood there glancing at you every so often.

"I want to make sure you're all aquanted with the whole squad since you will be working together for a long time. I'll give you your new form numbers later but now introduce yourselves and if you want to have a code name you can but I most likely won't use it unless I want to," Levi said. "You know Eld, Gunther, and Oulo. Eld and Gunther have no codenames. But Oulo is known as Copy Cat and my code name is Heichou. Now introduce yourselves."

You had to contain your laughter since you thought his codename was hilarious and cute.

"I'm Mikasa and I'd like to be known as Soul Slicer," she said.

"I'm Petra and I don't want a code name," she stated and made a cute smile towards Levi.

"I'm Eren and I'd like to be known as Titan," he said proudly.

All eyes were in you now. You wanted a code name but couldn't think if one.

"I'm (y/n) and I would like a code name but I don't know what," you said.

"What about," Eren was about to suggest a name but then Levi cut him off.

"Cadet," Levi stated plainly. "That's what your code name will be."

"Oh. Okay," you said and chuckled. "It suits me thank Levi."

"Captain Levi," he stated again.

You could have sworn you saw him smile a bit but it quickly faded.

"Oulo. Help the brats out with there dorms. I'm off to make a report," Levi said and walked off.

"Alright. Gunther show Petra and Mikasa to there rooms. Eld and I will take (y/n) and Eren," Oulo said and everyone nodded.

Eld and Oulo then made their way out of the room and you and Eren followed behind.

"So Eren. Your room with be across from mine and next to Eld. (Y/n), your room is across from Levi's and next to Mikasa's. But don't get any ideas of bothering the captain or get close to him," Oulo said and was about to say more but then bit his tongue.

"Don't worry about it (y/n). Levi just likes to keep his distance usually. He's been through a lot and you have to respect a man's space," Eld said. "Make sure to keep your rooms clean or the captain will have your head."

"Clean? I can't have to worry about that everyday," Eren stated.

"You better keep it clean or the captain will make you run all day and night," Oulo said and then Eren shut up.

You began to laugh and everyone stared at you but then shrugged and chuckled as well.

You soon arrived at your room and you smiled. You walked inside and stretched.

"If you need anything I'm just down the hall," Eld called and then walked off with Oulo and Eren.

You then laid down on your bed and smiled.

"This is the life! I hope you're proud of me mom!"

You're all settled in and your on the Levi squad. Congrats! Keep on reading my friends. More chapters will be published tomorrow.

I Will Protect You (Levi X Reader) (AU. Spies)Where stories live. Discover now