Chapter 22

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You stood in your father's office, waiting. Will you get in trouble? Will Levi lose his position or get kicked out of the organization? What am I going to do without him?

"(Y/n)," Erwin said and walked inside.

"Dad I'm sorry! You know how an eighteen year old can get carried away and please don't hurt Levi or get him into trouble I'm begging you," you said rapidly.

"Look. I don't appreciate what you did at your age but it's not illegal. I should've seen it coming at some point and I never thought that it would be Levi," Erwin said and sighed as he sat down at his desk.

"So, you're not mad," you asked curiously.

"Oh I'm a little mad. Since you're still recovering I didn't think it would be best to have sex with someone," Erwin said plainly.

"How can you say that word with a straight face," you said and huffed. "And it's my decision. I'm eighteen years old now and almost nineteen. I'm an adult and I should be able to make my own decisions. I promise you won't lose me as long as you keep your promise I won't lose you. We both lost mom and we both don't deserve to lose each other at this point. After everything. Now please, let me make my own decisions and don't be so hard on Levi," you said. You felt kind of mature.

Erwin stared at you and smiled. "Alright. You're dismissed. Send Levi though please," he said.

You nodded and then stood up grabbing your crutches and headed back to your room. Your stomach grumbled but you ignored it. You walked into your room and saw Levi sitting there.

"Erwin would like to speak with you," you said to him and he nodded.

He then stood up and pecked you on the lips and smiled. He then walked off to Erwin's office.

You sat there feeling lonely. You wanted to sit there and wait for him but your stomach felt otherwise. You huffed and then got up and made your way down to the cafe.

You grabbed some chips and made some tea and sat down. Hanje then walked over to you and looked at your leg.

"It's been healing for awhile. Maybe it's better. If it is take it easy still," she said.

"I just don't want to be useless," you said and then took off the leg brace.

Hanje began to feel around you leg and then smiled. "You seem better. I'll just take your crutches and you can wonder around as you please," she said and then took off.

You smiled and then continued eating. You then heard a crash and the alarm went off. You immediately stood up and ran for the exit but the cafe exits were sealed.

"Someone must of broken in so they want no one to get out," you said and then began to pound on the locked doors. "Let me out!"

You then began to panick and looked around. You then spotted someone in black and your eyes widened.

*dramatic music plays*

I Will Protect You (Levi X Reader) (AU. Spies)Where stories live. Discover now