Chapter 9

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You were lying on your bed as the hours wasted away and the mission grew nearer. You were obviously nervous. It's your first mission, duh. You sighed and sat up. You saw it was passed 1 o'clock and you were hungry.

"Lunch!" You said and got up, heading for the door.

As you reached for the door handle someone from the other side opened it. There stood Eld and Gunther.

"Hey. We were heading to get some lunch and Eld wanted to know if you would like to come with us," Gunther said and Eld elbowed him in the side.

You chuckled and then nodded. "Sure."

Eld smiled and then wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

"Alright let's go eat!" Eld said and you three headed off.

/Time skip\
We arrived at Five Guys. A burger joint and they had the best fries ever. You sat there eating with Gunther and Eld. Eld finished before everyone else and began to make small talk.

"So (y/n). How would you feel if you became Gunther and I's honorary sister?" Eld said and smiled.

"Why are you asking me this?" You asked curiously.

"Cause Eld and I have always wanted a younger sibling even though we're not related. Eld says you seem like the perfect person because your fun, smart, and sassy," Gunther said and you both chuckled.

"Thanks and sure," you said and took a sip of your drink.

"So, as our sister now we have to know something. Are there any boys that catch your eye," Eld asked and smirked.

At this your eyes widened in surprised and you began to cough since you choked on your drink.

"No. At least I'm not sure. I'm not ready for that relationship yet," you said and chuckled nervously.

"Hm....okay. Because Heichou seems to have his eyes on you," Gunther said as if it was nothing.

"Huh?" You said and tilted your head.

"His says that Levi likes you," Eld said. "Never thought that man could ever like someone like that."

"But what if I don't return his feelings.  And what if someone else likes him," you said flipping out a bit.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down girl. If you don't like him back it's okay," Eld said and stretched.

"Well, you'll find out eventually I guess. That Petra seems to be very possessive of Levi ever since she joined," Gunther said. "It creeps me out."

"Yeah. She has a big crush on him," you said and chuckled. "But he obviously doesn't feel the same."

"You got that right," Eld said and then checked his watch. "We should head back. We can go to the gym and get in some extra training."

"Sure," you said and then the three of you left to head back to the organization.

/le smol time skip\
You arrived at the training area in the gym. You went over to a punching bag and began to go at it. You hit it and punched it and all that.

This caused your mind to wander. It wandered over to how your room got messed up, Petra passing you off as if your nothing, getting shot, and then there was the death of your mother.

You growled in anger and then kicked the bag with so much force it fell to the ground. You stood there with your fists clenched and you stared down at the ground.

"Sis. You alright," Eld asked and raced over.

You shook your head and you began to break down and cry. Eld wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him.

"It's okay," he said as you cried.

"What's going on?" Levi asked appearing from somewhere. He walked over to the both of you.

"Captain. She was just doing some training and she kicked the bag to the ground and began to break down. Maybe it's not a good idea to bring her," Eld said and you looked up and over at Levi.

Levi stated at Eld with jealous but once he turned to you his gaze softened. He sighed and then shook his head.

"No. She's going and that's final. She just needs to relax for the rest of the day. Get Titan and Soul Slicer to come and relax with her," Levi said and then walked off.

Eld nodded and then began to lead you back towards the hallway. You walked down beside him and you came upon Mikasa's room. Eld knocked and then went over and knocked on Eren's door.

They stepped into the hall and gazed over at you.

"Heichou would like you two to hang out with (y/n) and calm her nerves. Have some before the mission," Eld said and then walked off leaving you with Mikasa and Eren.

"Are you alright (y/n)," Eren asked.

You shook your head. "No. Life has been pretty rough and it's hard to contain your emotions forever," you said.

"Doesn't seem that hard for the captain," Mikasa said and then went over and hugged you.

"So what all are you upset about," Eren asked.

"A lot. How I lost my mother and how Petra has been treating me like shit," you said and huffed.

"Wait, when has Petra been mean to you? She's been nothing but nice to us," Eren said.

"She's been bullying me ever since finals. I bet she even trashed my room. Ugh. I hate it when my room gets messy," you stated.

Mikasa chuckled. "You sound like Levi with all this disgusted attitude towards messiness."

You all began to laugh and you sighed. "Alright. Let's go have fun!"

That's all I have for today. Keep on reading my friends

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