Chapter 21

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You woke up and groaned as the sunlight hit your face. You began to sit up but you felt a strong pair of arms on you. You looked over and saw Levi. Without a shirt on!

Your eyes widened as you began to remember what events happened that night. You continued to stare at his muscles and bare chest.

"If you love it that much come back and cuddle with me," Levi muttered and opened his eyes.

You blushed and turned away. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Levi smirked and then sat up and began to plant a few kisses on your neck.

"L-levi!" You squeaked in surprise.

"I love you," he purred and kissed your cheek.

"I love you too," you said and giggled. "We better get you out of here before someone finds out."

Levi yawned and then stretched out his arms. You then heard a knock at the door. You got dressed in a simple white t-shirt and jeans. You opened it to see Hanje standing there.

"Hey (y/n)! Have you seen Levi," Hanje asked.

"," you said and began to push her out. "Can't help you. Okay bye!"

"Why are you trying to get rid of me? I thought we were besties," Hanje said and pouted. She then smirked. "Are you hiding something or maybe someone?"

"N-no. Just go," you said and tried to push her away but she resisted and bursted into the room.

"What the hell are you doing in here shitty glasses," Levi said as he pulled on a shirt.

Hanje stood there wide eyed and then squealed. "You two did the deed!" She said.

"Quiet! If my dad finds out we're dead," you said and huffed.

Hanje chuckled. "Too late. He's looking for Levi as well and was going to ask you but I came first," she said.

"Oh shit," you said.

"Language," someone said from behind Hanje.

You looked up and sighed in defeat. Hanje stood there smirking while Levi stood there with his normal face.

"Hi dad," you said sheepishly and chuckled nervously.

"(Y/n). My office now, please," Erwin said and you sighed and walked off. "I'll talk with you later Levi."

Levi just tched but his gaze was filled with worry for you.

I'm still laughing. I don't know what's wrong with me. Okay, so you in trouble with your father, over protective Erwin. Who knows what'll happen. Anyways, new chapters will he here tomorrow. Keep on reading my friends.

I Will Protect You (Levi X Reader) (AU. Spies)Where stories live. Discover now