Chapter 28

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The day before the wedding was upon us. The attacks seemed to have stopped so I guess the organisation has given up. You were still stuck in the storage room. Even though you had a child they still treated you the same.

You'd get sick every so often since you didn't have proper care so they had fun mopping the floors.

You leaned against a crate and placed a hand on your stomach. "Hey little one. Daddy is getting married tomorrow isn't that nice. I know it's not to me but he's doing this for us, okay," you said sweetly and you felt the baby kick a few times which caused you to giggle. "I know I know. But everything will be alright. It has to be."

You sighed and then laid down and began to get some rest as the day went on and on.

Levi POV:
I stood there watching the wedding preparations be set up. I can't believe it's been two months already. I miss (y/n). I want to be there with her and hold her and saw I love you. And now she's bearing my child which makes me yearn for her presence even more. I was starting to go mad.

"Levi!" Someone sang and then Petra appeared. "Turns out it'll just be us and then others. No family."

"Okay....," I said and then walked away from her.

Whatever the organization is planning they better do it quick. I can sense that my (y/n) and child are in trouble.

3rd POV:

"We've got nothing," Hanje cried out.

"Don't over exaggerate Hanje. We do have a plan. You're mostly the distraction though," Armin said.

"Oo! Fun," Hanje said and smiled.

Everyone huffed in annoyance and then went back to work.

/Time skip\
Your POV:

The day of the wedding. The day you feared. The day the man you love is being shipped away with some other woman.

You began to sob into your hands as this began to become too much for you. Everything hurt. Everything!

Reiner then walked in and you wiped your tears.

"Get up. You're time here is done," Reiner said.

"What do you mean?" You asked and sniffled.

"It means you're going bye bye," Reiner stated and smirked evilly.

Your eyes widened. "No! Please don't do this! I'm carrying a child!" You cried out as he dragged you away.

"Sorry. Bosses orders," he said and then dragged you up on the roof.

You stared off at the beautiful view but then looked down to see the ceremony has started. You stood on the ledge with Reiner behind you.

"Am I suppose to jump?" You said.

"Yes and you're not aloud to leave this roof until you have," Reiner stated.

Your eyes filled with tears again but then you heard something. You looked up and spotted a blue flare fly into the sky. You just couldn't help but smile.

Hanje POV:
"I object!" I yelled as I stood in the wedding aisle.

"Hanje?" Levi said confused.

I smiled. "I can't allow this to happen Petra. Not just have you killed many of my friends and stolen them and threatened them. But no one, and I mean no one, messes with my OTP!" I yelled.

"Someone grab her," Petra yelled.

"Too late," I said and then shot up a flare.

"No!" Petra screamed and then gunfire was heard.

The drama continues. I am so Hanje in this chapter. No one's messes with my OTP. *snaps fingers sassily*

I Will Protect You (Levi X Reader) (AU. Spies)Where stories live. Discover now