Chapter 27

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It has been a month. There have been many attacks on the warehouse. They've weakened many ranks on the other side but nothing drastic has happened. They've tried to get to you but all have failed. They just couldn't find you or were forced back from being outnumbered.

The storage room has basically been your home for a month. Three meals a day. Mostly just bread, water, and the occasional apple. What you would give for some fast food right about now.

You barely see Levi anymore. The only time you're aloud out is to use the restroom. At least you don't have your hands tied anymore but they are in chains.

One day, a few weeks before the wedding, Reiner brought you some bread and water. You nibbled on the bread as hungry began to over take you but something felt off.

Your stomach was disagreeing with you. It didn't seem to like the food you were swallowing. You sat up and began to throw up on the side of the room. After a minute of that your went into a coughing fit as everything felt empty in your stomach.

Reiner came rushing in and saw the state you were in. You stared up at him with pain in your eyes. You soon pulled out his phone and called a doctor and Petra.

Levi POV:
I sat in a dinning room with Petra. She claimed this was a date but I didn't see it that way of course. Going on these 'dates' the most annoying thing ever. She would only talk about herself and or the wedding.

Soon she was interrupted by her cell phone ringing. She picked it up and answered.

"What is it Braun? I'm in the middle of something," she hissed and listened to his response. "Why would I care what state she's in your the one looking after have a point. Fine. Let the doctor look at her. We'll be over to see what the hell is going on after our date." She then hung up and continued to pick at her food.

"What was that call about," I asked.

"Nothing important. Someone seems to be sick out of no where and we can't identify what's wrong," Petra stated.

I hope it's not (y/n). This would be really bad.

/Time skip\
After the date we made our way back to the warehouse. Petra constantly clinging to my arm as we walked.

We went inside and headed over to the makeshift infirmary area. I looked around and my eyes widened as I say (y/n) laying in one of the beds.

I stormed over and went up to Reiner. "What the hell happened?"

"I don't know. One minute I was giving her food and the next she was vomiting and coughing. She's been having weird mood swings ever since I moved her to the infirmary. It doesn't look so good," Reiner stated.

I growled and then let go. I then lookrd over at the doctor wanting answers.

"I've done many procedures and tests to figure out what's wrong but I'm not exactly sure who to tell this too. But this pregnant," the doctor stated.

I stared in shock and my eyes widened. Oh no, I must have not have been careful during that night. Now what's going to happen to her.

Your POV:

"But this girl......She's pregnant," the doctors words rang in your head.

You gasped and then started to cry out of joy and sorrow. What was going to happen to the baby? Petra probably figures it's Levi's and will want you even more dead.

"Who....huh....what?!" Petra stuttered so confused. "This....this is unacceptable! She's bearing my husband's child! That's unfair. They're not even married. Isn't that against the law!"

"The girl is eighteen so it isn't technically illegal I guess," the doctor said. "But I must take my leave." He then walked off.

Petra glared over at me and grabbed a knife. She yelled widely and raced towards me ready to kill. I shrieked and held my arms up in self defense.

Levi then stepped in front of Petra and stopped her. "If you harm her or my child then I'll never marry you."

"But our agreement was her not the baby!" Petra yelled.

"The baby is attached to her which makes it apart of her. Now back off," Levi said.

He then walked over and stared at your bright eyes. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be," you said and gave a weak smile. "At least I'll still have apart of you with me now."

Oh. What a twist?! You're pregnant with Levi's kid. Wow. This is getting interesting!??! Keep reading my friends

I Will Protect You (Levi X Reader) (AU. Spies)Where stories live. Discover now