Chapter 7

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You sat in your room staring out your window. Thoughts came and went through your head as you began to think about what was going on.

You were on the Levi Squad! Your dream was coming true but you seem to not get along with Petra anymore. Obviously. That girl hides the way she truly is just by smiling that cute smile. How is the devil cute. Ugh!

You banged your head against your desk. "Ow."

'That was a bad choice,' you thought and sighed. 'Stupid. Get your thoughts straight.'

You then heard a knock on your door. You were surprised and fell out of your chair.

"(Y/n). Is everything alright," you heard Eld call from the other side of the door.

"Uh.....I don't know how to answer that question," you responded and your door opened.

He saw you lying on the ground where you had fallen back and out of your chair. You smiled as the moment became awkward and then you sighed in exasperation.

"What's up?" You asked not getting up.

"We're having a squad meeting in five minutes. Would you like some assistance," Eld asked.

"Yes please," you said and smiled.

Eld reached out his hand and pulled you back up. You dusted yourself off and stretched.

"Thanks," you said.

"How did you fall over?" Eld asked.

"I was alone with my thoughts and was startled," you stated plainly. "It happens."

Eld chuckled in amusement. "Alright. Let's head to the meeting."

You nodded and then the both of you left for the squad lounge. You arrived and then sat down on the couch in between Mikasa and Eren.

"Hey," Eren said and smiled.

"Hi," you responded and then Levi and Petra walked into the room.

You gazed at them suspiciously as Petra followed Levi intently and then sat down in a chair to listen. You huffed and then looked over at Levi.

"So, our mission for the shooting will begin tomorrow. Our Intel has told us that there's been some suspicious outings at the warehouse. Our job is to go there and look around. Don't engage unless it's completely necessary. Mikasa and Gunther will take the east side. Eld and Eren take the north. Petra and Oulo take the west side and (y/n) and I will take the south," Levi said.

Petra looked disappointed with ehat she has and shot a glare over at you. You looked away and stared at the ground.

"We leave tomorrow at dark. Dismissed," Levi said and then walked off and so did everyone else.

Except Petra.

"Hey Cadet," Petra said and you looked at her. "How come you got paired up with Captain Levi. That seems a little unfair to some of us."

"Leave me alone Petra," you said and then walked off towards the exit.

Petra growled and then tackled you to the ground. You shrieked in surprise and fell on your back.

"Get off! It's none of your business I don't know. I did get a tied score with him after all," you said.

Petra narrowed her eyes and then got off of you. "This is pointless. Karma will bite you in the ass at some point." She turned away and walked off.

"I probably have a better ass than you do though," you called which made her get even more frustrated as she walked off.

You began to laugh as you pulled yourself back up. You then felt someone else's presence in the room and looked around. You looked over at the closet and approached it. You opened it up and a wild Hange came tumbling out.

"Oof. Hehe. Don't mind me," Hange said and stood up and brushed herself off.

You chuckled. "Why were in the closet?"

"I was spying on shorty for intel. I'm trying to use my mad science skills and figure out a way to make him smile," Hange said. "He's like my best friend."

"Sounds great," you said and smiled. "You should probably go before someone catches you."

"Yep. I don't want shorty to catch me in the act of science. See you later (y/n) or should I say Cadet!" Hange said and smiled.

"Either is fine. Bye Hange," you said as she left.

You then walked over to the drink machine and began to make yourself some tea.

You felt someone walk up behind you. "Hange if it's you I swear," he said and then turned around and saw Levi. "Oh. You're not Hange."

"Why would I be Hange," Levi questioned.

You shrugged. "Why are you here?"

"I sensed tea being made," Levi said and gazed at you.

"Oh. Well it's green tea so I don't know if you'll like it or not," you said.

"Since you're making it I'll try it," Levi stated not breaking eye contact.

You nodded and then turned back around and went back to making the tea. You made two cups and then held one out to Levi. He reached for it and his hand lightly brushed against yours. You flinched at the sudden contact and dropped the cup but it was soon caught by Levi.

"Sorry. I'm just not myself today," you said softly and brushed your hair back.

"Just make sure not to make a mess. I don't to clean up after you," Levi said and sipped the tea. "It's okay."

"Well, I'm glad you sort of like it," you said and smiled. You then began to sip on your own tea.

"Do I intimidate or scare you," Levi asked leaning in closer to look you straight in the eye.

"No," you said and then backed away bit but your back met with the wall and you were cornered.

"Because you seem to be acting more unusual around me," Levi said and then sighed. "I'll just let it slide. See you tomorrow for the mission." He then left.

You sighed and your heart was still beating pretty fast. What was this feeling? Why did you act that way around him? Could it

Just Hange is the best. Let's just admit it.

I Will Protect You (Levi X Reader) (AU. Spies)Where stories live. Discover now