Chapter 29

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"No!" Petra screamed.

I took this opportunity to apprehend her. I grabbed arm and twisted it back and then tied her up. Gunfire was then heard as all hell broke loose.

"Hanje! Where's (y/n)!" I yelled.

"I don't know. Shouldn't you know," Hanje said as she fired her gun.

"I should but I don't. She's in danger and even worse. She's bearing my child," I said.

Hanje stopped and then stared at me. She had a stupid grin on her face and she squealed.

"I must be dreaming! You go and find her. I'll hold them off here," Hanje yelled.

I nodded and the took off towards the warehouse. I looked up and saw two figures on the roof.


Your POV:

"Quit smiling," Reiner hissed and pushed you lightly.

You lost your balance and fought to regain it. Once regained you just stared at Reiner. You then spotted people behind him .

"Karma is a bitch sometines," you stated.

"Huh?" Reiner said confused and then walked attacked by Mikasa and Eren.

"Mikasa! Eren," you cried out in happiness.

You then lost your footing fell back.

"(Y/n)!" Eren cried as you fell.

Levi POV:

I was running up the stairs when I saw something falling. (Y/n)! I grabbed onto a fire hose and immediately launched out of the window just in time and grabbed her. I held onto the hose and held (y/n) even tighter to me.

(I know this isnt really realistic but it's freaking Levi for crying out loud. XD)

She was in shock and tried not to move as she stared down at the ground.

"Hold on," I said and I pulled her onto my back and began to climb up the fire hose.

Once back in the building. People raced over and grabbed (y/n) and sent her to the hospital. I sighed in relief and then glanced over to see Erwin.

He walked over to me with a serious face and then put his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for saving me daughter," he said.

"She's not the only thing that was saved. Our future was saved as well," I replied and chuckled.

"Wait......she's bearing a child," Erwin said and then smiled. "I'm a grandfather!"

"I call being Godmother," Hanje yelled racing over. "I'm going to teach that mini Levi all kinds of tricks."

"Not on my watch," I said and smirked.

/Time skip\

I walked to the hospital with Hanje and Erwin. They were very chatting ever since I announced the whole baby thing. I then huffed and turned a corner and walked inside the hospital and to (y/n)'s room.

I smiled as I saw her safe and sound.

Your POV:
You woke up to the sound of footsteps. Your eyes fluttered open to see Levi standing there. You smiled.

"Levi!" You cheered and then embraced him in a tight hug.

He hugged you back and then you began to cry of joy. Levi hated to see tears so he kissed you passionately on the lips and you kissed back.

"Ahem," Erwin said clearing his throat as him and Hanje entered the room.

"How's the baby," Hanje asked.

"Still alive and well. Should be due in six months," you said and smiled.

"I'm love you," Levi said softly and smiled.

You loved that smile because it was something special you only every so often.

"I love you too!"

Aw...such a happy ending.

But wait! There's still a bit more!

I Will Protect You (Levi X Reader) (AU. Spies)Where stories live. Discover now