Chapter 11

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You woke up in the infirmary. You groaned and sat up.

'I guess I'll have to get use to this,' you thought and then someone's hand latched onto yours.

You looked up to see, Eren. You eyes softened as you saw he had been crying.

"Eren? What's wrong," you asked worriedly and held onto his hand.

"Petra and you were injured and....and Oulo is gone (y/n). He was shot in the chest and died of blood loss after that," Eren said and stared at you.

"I'm sorry," you said and tears began to fill your eyes.

You then heard someone knock on the door and Eren opened it. There you saw Levi was a stoic and cold face. Probably trying to hide his sadness. He walked passed Eren and told him to come back later. Eren then left shutting the door behind him. Levi then went over and sat at the edge of your bed and stared at you.

"W-we have lost Oulo and I feel as if it's my fault. And now your injured because you helped me. I don't know what I'll do if your the one who gets killed," Levi said.

You gazed at him with shock and you smiled a little. You then wrapped your arms around his torso and hugged him tightly.

"I'm glad you care," you said softly.

Levi gazed at you and smiled a bit. He then grabbed your face with his hands and leaned in to kiss you. But all of a sudden Erwin bursted in. You stared at him and then pulled away from Levi. Your cheeks rosy with embarrassment.

"Are you okay (y/n)," Erwin asked and placed a hand on your forehead to check for fever.

"I'm good," you said and tried to shoe him away.

"Alright," Erwin said and then turned to Levi. "What happened?"

"Petra and Oulo got shot so I ordered a retreat. We were then pursued and (y/n) pushed me out of the way and got shot. We then made it back. Petra is better but Oulo has been lost," Levi said.

"I'll have Hanje's squad investigate the files and gun wounds and stuff. That way we have a better understanding on this case," Erwin said.

"I want these people caught. They've killed a comrade of mine and injured two. I want their leader," Levi growled.

"Do you think it's possible that someone from the inside is leaking information," you stated and they stared at you.

"Why would you think that?!" Erwin asked.

"She might be right. They knew she was at Subway when they shot her and they probably knew we were at the warehouse as well," Levi said.

"I'll have Hanje look into it," Erwin said. "Levi. Can you give us a minute."

Levi grumbled a reply and then walked out of the room.

"(Y/n). Do you have any assumptions who would be the mole," Erwin asked.

"Well, there are a few shady people here I'd start with them," you said.

"And I have another question. Are you and Levi a thing," Erwin asked.

You eyes widened and your face went red with embarrassment. "No, I mean. I like him in that way a bit but only a little," you trying to be honest and defend yourself.

Erwin sighed. "Just make sure to put work before love life," he said and stood up leaving.

You then sat there alone and sleep soon took you.

This is a little sad. I know. We lost Oulo! I just....I don't know what's wrong with me but it's story development. There's more to come. Keep on reading

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