Chapter 12

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It had been a week since the warehouse. Everyone had recovered except for Petra who claimed to be still having pains.

In a few days you were to go on another mission. You were ready and you knew it. You heard a knock on your door and you opened it to see Armin and Jean who you had started to get acquainted with better thanks to Eren.

"Hey! The Hanje squad is going out for ice cream so we were going to ask you, Eren, and Mikasa if you'd like to come with us," Armin said and smiled.

"Of course," you said and grabbed your jacket and headed out.

"Cadet. Where are you going," Levi asked as he stepped out in front of you.

"The Hanje squad is going out for ice cream and invited me," you said.

"I don't know if you should be going out," Levi stated plainly.

"Please Heichou," you complained and made puppy dog eyes. "You can even come with us."

Levi did his famous 'tch' and then sighed in defeat. "Fine."

You smiled and then hugged Levi and raced off. Jean, Armin, Eren, and Mikasa stared in shock.

"Let's just go," Jean said and then everyone headed out.

/Time skip\
You all sat outside of an ice cream parlor eating the sweet treat.

You sat beside Hanje and Levi and soon finished your ice cream. You had a bit still on your cheek and reached for the napkin but Levi got it before you.

"Tch. You're a mess sometimes," Levi said and wiped the ice cream off your cheek.

You felt yourself blush. "Sorry," you mumbled.

Levi then pulled away and continued to eat his own ice cream. Hanje stared over at you two with a smirk.

"So, how long have you dated Levi?" She whispered.

"What?" You said confused. "We're not dating."

"Oh. So you have a crush on him. Hm...I can't believe anyone has a crush on Shorty. I ship it," Hanje whispered and smiled. "Have you kissed yet?!"

"What no," you said.

"Oh," Hanje said and sighed. She then sat there staring off thinking of a plan. Your eyes filled with worry as you wondered what she was thinking.

"Leave her alone shitty glasses," Levi stated coldly.

"Who said I was bothering her," Hanje asked and smiled.

"Both of your expressions," Levi said and then stood up done with his ice cream. He then grabbed your hand and you stared in surprise. "Let's go, (y/n). I want you to help me with some homework."

You both then walked off. Hanje stood there plotting a very devious plan.

You and Levi walked into Levi's office and began to finish up some paperwork.

"So, what was Hanje bothering you about?" Levi asked.

"It was nothing really. She asked me if I was dating a certain someone and I replied with no. And now I fear for myself," you said and chuckled.

"Who is this certain someone," Levi asked.

"Captain. I'd rather not talk about my personal life at the moment. Let's focus on the task at hand," you stated and then continued with the work.

Hm....Levi and you seem very close. It's adorable and Hanje just cracks me up. There will be more tomorrow!

I Will Protect You (Levi X Reader) (AU. Spies)Where stories live. Discover now