Chapter 24

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The shadow figure charged at you. You got into your fighting stance and kicked them in the stomach making them stumble back. You then took off and began to race towards the air vent and began to try and pry it open.

Arms then grabbed you, pulling you away. You struggled and began to swing your arms around widely trying to get whoever they were off.

"Stop struggling. It'll only make it worse for yourself," a masculine voice said.

"No," you said and elbowed him in the side and made a break for the vent but he then tackled you and pinned you to the ground holding a knife to your neck.

"Just stop," he hissed.

You kept struggling and then eventually gave up. But you did what anyone would do on this situation.

"Levi!" You yelled.

"Shut up!" The man yelled and then stood up and pinned your hands behind your back.

All the sudden the locked door was kicked down from the other side. You shrieked and the man held the knife closer to your throat. There stood Levi, his eyes widened as he stared at the situation.

"Unhand her," Levi said and approached but you squeaked as he pressed the knife closer to your throat.

"We won't harm her unless you come willingly with us," the man said.

"Who even wants me? Go where with you? And what's your name," Levi demanded.

"We're going to the warehouse where Petra is expecting you. And the names Reiner Braun," he states.

"Fine," Levi grumbled. "Let's get this over with."

Reiner nodded and then shoved you as the three of you exited the building.

/Time skip\
You all arrived at the warehouse and walked inside and went up to where the office. Reiner opened the door and grabbed your arm shoving you in forcefully.

Levi growled and Reiner threatenly glared at him and then walked inside.

"Hello Levi," Petra said with a smile and your eyes widened.

'I'm doomed,' you thought.

I feel bad that I dragged Reiner into this. I'm sorry. I love Reiner too but he's apart of the bad guys in this story. And I'm sorry again cause I'm gonna leave this on a cliffhanger. There will be more tomorrow!

I Will Protect You (Levi X Reader) (AU. Spies)Where stories live. Discover now