Mac N Cheese

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Mac's POV
"WILL!" I shout down the hall for the third time.

"GIVE ME A MINUTE!" He screams back.


He doesn't respond. He is seriously pissing me off. I've only been living with him for a month and I am already sick of him. I've had enough. I stomp down the hall and barge into his room.

"WILL! I SAID IT'S LUNCH!" I shout angrily.

"Will, who is that?" I hear a high pitched voice. The girl sounds worried.

"It's just my annoying little sister. She wont leave me alone," he says into his microphone in an annoyed voice.

"Yea, and it's time for lunch! Say goodbye to your friends and lets eat!" I say angrily.

I hear an obnoxious laugh and instantly knew who it was.

"Hi Graser," I grumble.

"Mac N Cheese!" He shouts holding the "e" in cheese.

"Will, come for lunch," I say again making sure the annoyance was clear in my voice.

"Awww! But you just got hear!" Graser pouts.

"Graser if you don't shut up I am going to fly to Canada just so I can slap you!" I snap.

Will laughs and so does the girl and then there is an unfamiliar male voice.

"You better go Will," laughs the unknown boy.

"Ok fine! I'll talk to you all later!" He says before exiting team speak.

"So what is this 'oh so important' lunch that you have made?" He asks as he makes his way to the kitchen.

"Mac N Cheese," I reply with a devilish smirk.

"How did I know," he says in a fake disappointed voice.

I giggle and give him a plate of steaming hot golden gooey deliciousness. I sit down and begin to eat. Oh how I love the Mac N Cheese. It's been my favorite since I was young.

"So... vidcon is coming up soon," Will says as he scoops another bite of macaroni.

"Yea, so?" I respond through a mouthful of macaroni.

"So? Do you wanna come with and meet my friends?"

"I already met Graser!"

"I have more friends than just Graser!"

I let out a small giggle before continuing to eat.

"But in all seriousness, do you want to come?" He asks.

"Sure...*chews mac n cheese*... why not!" I respond with a small smile.

Liam's POV
"WILL!" I heard a muffled shout.

Will let out a small sigh. "GIVE ME A MINUTE!" he shouts back.

"YOU SAID THAT LIKE FIVE MINUTES AGO!" The muffled voice shouts again.

Will let out another sigh, "sorry about that guys."

"Will-" I start but am cut off by the door being thrown open.

"WILL! I SAID IT WAS LUNCH!" screams a girl who had just entered Will's room.

"Will, who was that?" Shelby said in a worried voice.

"It's just my annoying little sister. She wont leave me alone," he says in an annoyed voice.

"Yea, and it's time for lunch! Say goodbye to your friends and lets eat!" She says angrily.

Graser then lets out an obnoxious laugh.

"Hi Graser,"  the girl grumbled.

"Mac N Cheese!" He shouts holding the "e" in cheese.

"Will, come for lunch," she says again, the annoyance clear in her beautiful voice.

Wait! Did I just think that her voice was beautiful!? No! I don't even know her!

"Awww! But you just got hear!" Graser pouts.

"Graser if you don't shut up I am going to fly to Canada just so I can slap you!" She snap.

Will, Shelby, and I laugh.

"You better go Will," I say trying to stop laughing.

"Ok fine! I'll talk to you all later!" He says before exiting team speak.

I let put another small laugh as I exit team speak too. I never knew Will had a sister. And the fact that Graser knows her makes me a little disappointed.

Link scratches at my leg and lets out a small whimper.

"You hungry boy!" I ask in a high pitched baby voice.

He barks and runs out of the room. I fallow him and fill his bowl.

"Here you go boy," I coo placing the bowl down.

As he is eating I get a text from Will on the 'Groins' group chat.

WillyWonka: My sister is coming with to vidcon. She can't wait to meet you all!


Shubs: Cool! Can't wait to meet her!

H💣: Sweet! Can't wait to meet her!

I respond and put my phone away. I can't wait to Will's sister. Will is, I will admit, a pretty good looking dude so hopefully his sister will be to. I picture what she could possibly look like. A smile appears across my face. I'm excited to meet Will's sister.

Hey guys! Thank you for reading the first official chapter of Fallen Angel! This chapter was longer than I thought it would be! I had planned to only do Mac's POV but didn't like how short it was so added Liam's POV. It turned out to be a pretty long chapter that I am proud of! Anyway, thanks for reading! I will update as much as possible but it will be hard because of school! I'm an eighth grader and on the cross country team and it is difficult. I have tons of ideas for this story and can't wait to keep writing it! Any way, Bye!
(Word count: 900)

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