The Kiss

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Liam's POV
Mackenzie was jumping around dancing. Yet another of her ships sailed. She turned to me with a huge smile on her face. It makes me happy to see her happy. I return her smile with a quick smirk. Next thing I know her lips are on mine. I was in shock at first but then kissed back. It was magical. Then she pulled away.

I looked at her beautiful face and saw guilt. She looked guilty. Was she regretting the kiss? Maybe this was in the moment for her. I let out I silent sigh.

"I'm sorry," she says guilty.

"Mac..." I mumble still in shock from our kiss.

She glances up at me. Her eyes were filled with guilt and regret. She then looks back down and walks out the door.

I stand there in shock for a moment. There was one thought in my mind, 'what the hell just happened?'

I then walk to my room and lay in my bed. I tried to sleep but couldn't. I lay awake thinking about the kiss. I eventually drift to sleep.

Will's POV
Shelby turned to look at me. Our eyes locked. I couldn't resist. I closed the gap. Surprisingly she didn't pull away. Did she like me? This was a dream come true! I was kissing the girl of my dreams!

After the shortest eternity ever she pulled away. Her eyes sparkled with confusion and excitement. She glanced away from me and sighed.

"Will..." she began.

"Shelby, don't" I say cutting her off.

She looks at me in confusion.  She takes a deep breath, "Will, I... I'm sorry."

"Shelby don't be!" I say.

I can see the tears building in her eyes. The look on her face was full of crazy emotions. She looked like she was pleading for me to say something.

"Shelby, this wasn't in the moment," I begin,  "Shelby, I'm in love with you! I have for a while! Shelby I love you!"

She doesn't let me continue. She kisses me again. I deepen the kiss.

After a second she says, "Will I love you too!"

We kiss again staying in the moment for a while this time. When we pull apart I can see tears in her eyes, happy ones.

"Shelby, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask.

She nods and laughs that adorable laugh of hers. She hugs me and we just sit for a while. I don't want to leave her embrace but we need to go to sleep.

"Shelby," I whisper to her.

"A little longer she murmurs.

I nod my head. Before I know it she is asleep in my arms. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to my hotel. I set her in my bed and plop down next to her. I wrap my arms around her and snuggle close to her. I fall asleep holding the girl of my dreams in my arms.

Mac's POV
I was in love. I then snapped back into reality. I realized what I had just done. I instantly pulled away. What had I just done! Guilt and regret flooded through me.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper guilt flowing through my words.

"Mac..." he mumbles.

I can tell he is still in shock. I look Liam in the eyes. He looks so confused. I look back down and silently walk back to my apartment.

I open the door and walk back into my room. I lay down on my bed and stare at the sealing. One ting ran through my mind, 'what had I just done.'

Thanks for reading this chapter of Fallen Angel! It is really late for me and on a school night! I should really get to bed. Anyway, have a great day or night! BYE!
Word Count: 632

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