Pizza Party!🍕

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Mac's POV
"MACKENZIE!" Will shouts from the kitchen thingy.

"WHAT NOW!" I responded in an annoyed tone.

He has told me to quiet my guitar down 5 times now and I swear if he does again I am going to murder him.


That sounds fun! I can bond with his friends.

"SWEET!" I shout back.

"AND QUIET THAT GUITAR!" He shouts sarcastically.

"YOU KNOW WHAT WILL..." I start shouting profanities at him. I can hear him laughing his butt (was gonna use another word but decided against it😂) off.

After my tantrum I decided to change into some decent clothes seeing as I was currently wearing one of Will's sweatshirts with ripped jeans. I go into a drawer and pick out a black crop top with crimson jeans. I quickly threw it on and reapplied some mascara and added red lipstick. It may seem like too much but whatever. I'm a girl! I like to dress up.

When I was dressed I exited my room and sat down on the couch.

"You seriously changed?" Asks Will when he sees me.

Yeah, so?" I say with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Dude! It's just my friends! They already say you in my hoodie so why change?" Will asks again sitting down next to me.

"I wanted to ok! Stop bugging me! Gosh!" I respond with a roll of my eyes.

Will shrugs and turns on the T.V. An hour later Shelby arrived.

"Hey guys!" She shouts as Will lets her in.

"Hey Shubs!" Will says. I noticed a small blush on his face.

"Awww! Wills got a crush!" I blurt. Will's face goes red and Shelby starts to go pink.

"M-Mac! What a-are you talking about!" He stutters. I let out an evil chuckle.

"Never mind!" I say with a devilish smirk.

Soon after Graser arrives.

"PIZZA PARTY!!!" He screams.

"GRASER! BE QUIET!" I shout bag lightly punching him.

Then Liam arrived. After that the pizza arrived.

"HOW ABOUT WE PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" Graser shouts in his robot voice.

"Inside voice Graser!" I laugh jumping off the couch and onto Graser knocking his pizza out of his hands.

"MY PIZZA!" Graser cries.

"Oh get over it!" Liam sighs with a laugh.

"I'm down for some ToD!" Will says abbreviating  truth or dare.

"Oh not this again!" Shelby sighs.

"YAS TOD!" Graser shouts.


"Aww!" Liam pouts.

We all laugh and get into a circle. We put a soda bottle in the middle.

"Who wants to start?" I ask.

"ME!" Graser screams holding the 'e'.

He spins the bottle and it lands on Will.

"Will buddy, truth... or dare!" Graser says dramatically.

"Dare!" Will answers with no hesitation.

"I dare you to kiss H!" He shouts!

"No," Will says blankly.

"It's a dare! You got to!" Graser states in his robot voice.

"Grase, Harmony Hallow is over!" Will says with a nervous laugh.

"So, its a dare! You gotta do it! Unless... your CHICKEN!" Graser shouts.

"Ugh... fine!" Will sighs.

"Wait what! I-" Liam gets cut off as Will plants a quick kiss on his lips.

I cant help but be jealous of Will. What do those lips feel like? Soft? Chapped? Is he a good kisser? These are questions I will never have answers to. God Liam is cute! I can't help my feelings with him! I wont get him though.

I then notice a hint of jealousy in Shelby's face. The question is, is that jealousy towards Liam or Will? Which of the two does she like? I'll have to ask her later.

"Will!" Liam shouts angrily.

"Blame Graser!" Will responds.

Liam glares daggers at the robot before the game continues.

Will spins the bottle, it lands on me.

A smirk appears on his face.

"Mackenzie Kiing, truth or dare," he says.

"Will, sweety, I am your sister. You have known me all your life! Do I choose truth or dare?" I ask with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"Ok, I dare you to.... kiss Graser!" Will says evilly.

I start to gag at the thought. I feel like I'm gonna hurl but I have to kiss him, it's a dare and I never back down from dares.

I sigh and go over and kiss Graser. He doesn't kiss back or anything, just lets it happen. His lips are gross, all chapped and gross. I can taste the pizza sauce still on his face.

I pull away. I run to the bathroom and start to gag. I can hear Will laughing. After my gag fit I go back out. Will is still laughing, Graser seems giddy, Shelby seems grossed out and Liam jealous.

"I hate you," I mumble as I sit down.

Will only laughs harder. I roll my eyes at him and spin the bottle. It lands on Shelby. An evil smile spreads across my face.

"Oh no!" She breathes.

"Shelby.... truth... or... dare..." I say mysteriously.

"I guess dare," she says with a hint of fear.

I start to laugh, "I dare you to................ sing 'Hit me with your Best Shot' with me!"

"Oh, thats not do bad..." she sighs.

I laugh evilly again and run to grab my guitar. I start playing in the intro.

"Well your a real tough cookie with a long history," she starts to sing.

"Of breaking little hearts like the one in me," I join in.

Graser starts laughing at pur terrible singing as we continue. Will has a small smirk on his face as he watches Shelby. Shelby is blushing up a storm while Liam has a goofy smile. I am playing my guitar while singing my heart out. We are singing so off key it isn't even funny! After we finished the song we play a few more rounds of ToD before watching a movie. Then we all fall asleep.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter! I had fun writing this one. Sorry for not updating in a while. I've been real busy with school and then my grandparents visited so yea, been busy. Remember, I am updating as often as possible. Anyway, thanks for reading! have a great day or night! Bye!
Word count: 1054

Song mentioned in chapter:

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