Night Out

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Mac's POV
It's been about a week and a half since I started working at Hooters. The girls are nice and I make good money. I walk into work and see Abi locking her stuff in her locker.

"Morning Mac!" She greets.

"Hi Abi," I respond as I open my locker and put my purse and winter jacket away.

Together we walk out and see Nicky, the owner of the place and our boss, washing some tables.

"Morning Nicky!" Abi calls.

"Hi Abi, Mac! You ready for our monthly girls night out?" She answers.

I give them both a confused glance, "girls night out?"

"Yea!" Abi answers, "once a month we have a girls night out. Usually it's at the end of the month, but with the holidays, we're doing it a few days early."

"Why wasn't I invited to last months?" I ask a little upset.

"We had it, literally, two days before you were hired," Nicky answers with a laugh.

"Oh!" I giggle.

Just then, Becky walked in. She has long brown hair with purple tips. She a bit thicker than the rest of us, but is still skinny.

"Morning Ladies! Ready for girls night?" She greets.


"Of course!"

"And Mac! It's your first night out! You excited?" Becky continued.

"Yeah, I guess," I shrug.

"Come on gurl! It'll be the best night ever! We go to the bar, hang out, drink!" Nicky exclaims.

I nod my head, not wanting to mention I'm not old enough to drink yet. The day went on like normal. I worked behind the bar mostly. By 10:00 people started leaving. After everyone was gone, Nicky closed the place and we all hung out at the bar.

"Mac! You haven't had one drink since we started!" Becky commented.

"Oh, I don't drink much," I responded shyly.

"Come on! Just one shot with us!" Abi encouraged.

I shook my head. The girls started to chant my name. I sighed and gave in.

"Just one," I say sternly.

The girls start to cheer as Nicky poors me a drink. I hesitate, but eventually take a sip. It tasted disgusting! I give them the thumbs up as I swallow.

The rest if the night we played games, did some gambling, and gossiped. The girls didn't pressure me into drinking again. All in all, it was a good night.

What's up dogs! Sorry that it's short. Like I said, this book is ending. This chapter was just a filler. Until next time, Wacky Wolf AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*
Word count: 427

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