Magic Kingdom

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Mac's POV
"GET UP EVERYONE! IT'S THE LAST DAY IN DISNEY!" Shelby shouts as she runs through the small bedroom

"Five more minutes," I groaned snuggling closer into Liam's warm arms.

"Come on guys, we're going to Magic Kingdom!" She complains.

"What're you doing?" Will asks.



"Because, we're leaving tomorrow," Shelby answers moving closer to Will.

"But we don't leave until tomorrow so why pack now?" I ask rolling over to look at the couple.

"Because then I won't have to pack tomorrow. Plus it gives me something to do until you get your lazy butts out of bed!" Shelby answers sarcastically.

I roll my eyes and throw my pillow at her and Will who are about to kiss.

"Get a room!" I shout.

"Get out of the room!" Will snaps back.

I roll my eyes, stand up, and pull Liam put of bed. He hits the floor with a 'thud.'

"HEY! What was that for?" Liam groans rubbing the back of his head.

"We gotta get out, Will and Shelby want alone time," I answer teasingly.

"Gross!" Liam shouts throwing a pillow at the couple who are now in a make out session.

We leave Will and Shelby and go wake up Graser. When he finally roles out of bed Will and Shelby are making breakfast. I give Shelby a questioning look. She shakes her head slightly.

After breakfast we get dressed. I put on a grey tank top with some black short shorts. I do my makeup and put my hair in a ponytail.

"MAGIC KINGDOM HERE WE COME!" Graser shouts running out the door.

I run after happily, Shelby shortly behind. Will and Liam trail behind. We hop in the car and drive off to Disney.

We've been down that road on our way to the other parks but it was different going to Magic Kingdom. It was like we were in a race. A race to win a prize. An amazing prize that no one knows about. It was amazing. It was magical.

We parked in the 'Scar' section and got on the tram. Then we rode a red monorail to the park.

We spent our day going an all of the most craziest rides. Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain Railroad (I think that's what it was called), Little Mermaid, and all the other movie themed rides.

It was a truly Magical day full of laughter, fun, and vlogging. The best part though, was the fireworks.

It was beautiful. Magical, fun, exciting! The best part was that I was with my family and friends. And at the end of the show, Liam and I shared a magical kiss.

Getting out was terrible. The line for the monorail was extremely long so we took the ferry. The line was tremendous too but we got out faster than we would have if we went on the monorail.

Overall, today was a magical day. I'm glad I came with Will on the trip. Without him, I wouldn't be this happy.

What's up dogs! Wacky Wolf here! How are y'all! It's been a long while! I'm back! Every Wednesday you'll receive a new chapter of Fallen Angel. Disney is over which marks the half way point of the story. I hope you all are enjoying it so far. I luv you all! Wacky Wolf AWAY! *jumps out Magic's Window*
Word Count: 562

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