Typhoon Lagoon

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Mac's POV
"TYPHOON LAGOON DAY!" I yell as I run through the little house thing.

"MACKENZIE! SHUT THE F**K UP!" I hear Will shout from the other room.

I roll my eyes and continue to scream and shout.

"Mac, sweetheart, please be quiet," Liam calls from our bed.


That causes everyone to run out of the room. Everyone but Graser.

"GRASER!" I squeal.

No answer.


Still no answer. I stomp into his room ready to scream at him. He was still sound asleep in his bed.

"How the f**k did he sleep through that?" Will wonders aloud.

I walk up to the bed and scream, "GRASER! GET YOUR LAZY FAT A$$ OUT OF BED!"

Still no response. I look at the others confused. They shrug in response. I then become worried so I check his pulse. A very strong one. Was he in a coma? I turn to Will to tell him to call an ambulance when...

"BOO!" Graser screamed making me jump back and scream. Shelby squealed loudly and the boys jumped back in fear. Graser was laughing his a$$ off.

"What the f**k Graser!" I shouted angrily.

He continued to laugh. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

We decided to go out to breakfast. We went to *insert name of breakfast place here.*  It was delicious. After we went back to the apartment to change.

I put on my lime bikini (the one from beach day) and slide a kiingtong sweatshirt over it.

I'm the first one ready. Shelby is in the bathroom changing, Graser in his room, and Will and Liam waiting.

I sit on the couch and watch T.V. while I wait. When everyone is ready, we leave for Typhoon Lagoon.

×+×+×+× 20 Minutes Later×+×+×+×

"Hey Mac?" Graser says from behind me.


e are currently about to go on the Crush N Gusher. I was going on with Liam, Will with Shelby, and Graser alone.

"Yes?" I answer.

"Can we go eat next?" He asks.

"Why are you asking me?" I respond with a small chuckle.

"Because he's afraid if you!" Shelby answers in a mocking tone.

"Am not!" Graser protests.

"Boo!" I say casually.

Graser covers his face and lets out a small squeak. We all laugh and Graser grumbles some curse words.

We then get on the slide. It was super fun! I knocked Liam off at the end. Will flopped in off the tube while Shelby squealed. Graser came out with his tongue out and hands in the air.

After we went to lunch. I typically don't enjoy sea food but it was pretty good.

Then we went to the wave pool and spent the rest if our time there. The waves were HUGE! It was awesome. The waves threw you backwards so much! Liam, Will, Graser, and I went out really deep and rode the wave into shore. Shelby stayed because she was a scared little boy.

It was an over all amazing day. We went back to the house and ordered pizza. We watched movies the rest if the night.

What's up dogs! Wacky Wolf here! I am excited! I'm excited because it's almost Christmas!!! Yay! Also, I made a new book called Sister Christian. It's a Laurance x Reader. Go check it out. Anyway, I love you all! Wacky Wolf AWAY! *jumps out Magic's window*
Word count: 588

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