Vidcon Day 2

160 4 11

Mac's POV
I woke up early next morning, my dream fading away. I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed.

I walked to the kitchen and ate a pop tart. I then went back to my room and showered.

I put on my cropped AC/DC sweatshirt (an article of clothing I wish I had😂) and some leggings. I slid on converse, brushed my hair, and did some light makeup.

I left my room to find Will making himself cereal. He had "Carry on Wayward Son" playing from his phone.

"Morning sleepy head!" I chirped taking a seat on the couch.

"Sleepy head? You woke up at the butt crack of dawn!" He grumbled taking a seat next to mine.

After Will got ready, we went to the lobby where Liam and Graser were waiting.

"What took you so long?" Liam asked before kissing my cheek.

"Mr. Shakespeare decided to sleep in!" I replied which made Graser laugh.

"I did not sleep in! She just woke up early!" Will retorted.

"You keep telling yourself that," Liam said with a smirk.

"You're just saying that because she's your girlfriend!" Will grumbled.

We all laughed and then hopped into the car to get Shelby. Once we got her we went to vidcon day 2.

"HEY STRANGERS!" I Heard a mans voice from behind.

We all turned towards the voice.

"Parker!" Shelby squealed.

She went and gave him a hug. Parker then hugged all the boys.

"Who's this beautiful young lady?" Parker asked taking my hand and kissing it.

"I'm Mackenzie, Will's sister," I answered with a giggle.

"Pleasure to meet you!" He shouted. Then in a lower voice he said, "are you by chance single?"

That made me laugh. Liam over heard and butted in.

"No! She is with me!" Liam said defensively before kissing me sloppily.

"Damn it Liam! You always steel the girls!" Parker laughs jokingly.

I giggled and put my head on Liam's chest. That made him relax.

"At least Shelby's still on the table!" Parker says breaking the silence.

I heard Shelby squeak and then she blushed.

"Nope! She's taken by me!" Will said quickly.

"Damn it! Me and Graser are always left out!" Parker grumbled.

"Speaking of Graser, where is that dumb robot?" Shelby asked.

"I don't know! Last I saw him he was hugging Parker," I responded.

"Well sh*t! We lost Graser!" Will sighed.

"Let's go find him," Liam said rolling his eyes.

After searching the whole entire building, we finally found him in the section where all the beauty experts are.

"Graser! We've been looking for you everywhere! Why are you here!" Shelby scolded.

"Sorry! All this dating talk made me want a girlfriend so I came here to learn what girls like so I can get one!" Graser answered with a goofy smile.

"Good idea!" Parker shouted.

"No! Dumb one! Very dumb one!" I said with a laugh.

"Stop talking and lets go! We gotta set up for the signing!" Liam said pulling us away from the fashion.

"Awww!" Graser complained.

"Liam's right, I got a 'Parker Plays' panel to do. I'll see y'all later!" Parker said walking away.

We went back to the 'groins' booth and set up. We put posters, tee shirts, and other merchandise on display.

When the signing a started, there was an extremely long line. Each kid and teen fawning over Will and Liam, laughing at Graser, and squealing at Shelby. None of them really wanted to talk to me.

Then there was one little girl. She had short brown hair and green eyes. She looked about 8 and had an Australian accent.

"Mackenzie?" She said.

"Yeah..." I said confused.

"You are absolutely beautiful! H is lucky to have you!" She squealed.

"Th-thanks," I giggled.

"Are you gonna make a YouTube channel? I would totally subscribe," she chirped.

That question took me aback. I wasn't expecting it. She wants a channel? I guess it could be fun. Yea! I'll start when we get back from our trip.

"I guess, I don't see why not. I won't create it till after our trip though. We're going to Disney after Vidcon so it won't be done for a couple of weeks. I'll announce on my Twitter when I do," I replied happily.

"Yay! I can't wait! What's your Twitter? I want to fallow you so I know when you join YouTube!" The little girl asked politely.

"Of course!" I laughed.

I pulled out a slip of paper and wrote my Twitter on it.

"Here," I handed her the paper.

"Thanks! Oh and one last thing! Can I have all your autographs?" She asks excitedly.

I nodded and we all signed her book. She squealed with joy and ran back to her mom.

"That was sweet," Liam said kissing my head.

I smiled and they continued to sell, sign, and talk with fans.

At the end of the day we met up with Parker and went to Olive Garden. After the delicious dinner we went back to the hotel for bed. I had dreams about my upcoming YouTube channel.

What's up dogs! WackyWolf here! So it's been a while! If you haven't seen my Tags book, check it out. It explains why I've been gone. So anyway, I'm back! I'll hopefully update my Mystreet Facebook book tomorrow! Anyway, that's it for now! WackyWolf, AWAY! *jumps out magic's window*
Word count: 904

Song mentioned:

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