Packing for Disney

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Mac's POV
"MACKENZIE! GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED AND START PACKING!" I woke up to Will screaming his head off.

"Five more minutes!" I groan.

"NOW!" He yells sternly.

"Fine!" I mumble as I roll out of bed.

I open the drawers and pull out my clean clothes. I 'nicely' fold them and put them in their suitcase. I make sure to keep my HBomb sweatshirt and ripped jeans out to wear today.

I then pull out the dirty clothes and put them in the wash. I take a quick shower and do my makeup while they wash. Once they're dry I fold them and put them away.

Lastly, I pack my guitar and amplifier. I then go eat a granola bar and watch some TV.

"That was fast," Will says walking in.

"What do ya mean? It took me two hours!" I respond.

"I still have lots to pack and I started before you!" He retaliates.

"And you said I have lots of stuff," I mumble.

"Don't sass me missy!" He scolds.

"You want some help?" I ask with a laugh.

"Would you?" He says quietly.

I laugh and help him pack. Once we're done we go down to the lobby and check out. We take our stuff to the car where Liam and Graser are waiting. We pack the car and leave to get Shelby.

Liam's POV
"HEY H! WHICH DO I PUT IN FIRST? BLEACH OR SOAP?" Graser shouts from down the hall.

"For the last time! You don't need bleach unless it's white!" I respond in frustration.

"Oh yea! Thanks!" He responds.

I roll my eyes and continue to fold my clothes and put them into suitcases.

"Hey H..." Graser calls.

"What now Graser!" I shout back.

"Can you help me fold these underpants?" He asks.

I shudder. Graser's underpants? No one wants to touch those. Since I'm a good friend, I'll help him.

"Give me a second!" I sigh.

I walk into Graser's room and see him on the floor with 3 pairs of underwear.

"Graser... is that all you brought?" I ask.

"Well this and the ones I'm wearing," he responds.

I start to gag, "Grase, we've been here for a week and a half!"

"Yea, so?" Graser shrugs.

"Did you can at least wash them?" I ask.

"I washed the pair I'm wearing," he answers.

"Oh my God, Graser! I just threw up in my mouth!" I shout gagging.

"What?" He says with an uneasy laugh.

"You need to wash them dude!" I sigh.

That sends him into a fit of laughter. Gosh he is so gross sometimes.

I went back to my room to continue packing while he washed his dirty underwear.

As soon as we finished packing our stuff we checked out of our hotel and went to our car. We packed it up and waited for Mac and Will. When they arrived we got in the car and left to get Shelby.

Shelby's POV
"Ok, so I have one, two, three, four, five outfits picked out. I just need five more and I should be good," I said out loud to no one.

I went into my closet and pulled out a pale blue jumper. Cute! I added it to my suitcase.

"Shelby! I'm home!" Gizzy shouted as he entered the apartment.

"Hi Gizzy!" I greeted.

"Whatcha doin?" He asks.

"Packing for Disney," I respond.

"Right! Your leaving today," he says.

"Yep, I'm almost done packing!" I chirp.

"I'll leave you to it!" He responds before going to his room.

I pick out 4 more outfits, pack my makeup and toiletries. Now I'm ready. I wait for Mac and the guys in the lobby. Once they arrive I put my stuff in the car and we leave for the airport.

What's up dogs? Wacky Wolf here! How are you all? Sorry this chapter is out so late. I've been relaxing cause my grandpa is visiting. Anyway, I hope you have and amazing day or night! I luv you all! Wacky Wolf AWAY! *flies out Magic's window*
Word count: 680

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