New Home

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Mac's POV
It's been about 5 days since my birthday. I had packed up all my things and was ready to leave.

Will had decided to move in with Shelby since her current roommate, Gizzy, was moving out. So he had all his stuff packed too.

Liam, Shelby and Graser had all gone home. Liam needed to pack his stuff, so he left the day after my birthday. Shelby needed to help Gizzy get the last few boxes out so she left two days ago. Graser left back to Canada yesterday.

Mom and Dad had come with Will and me to the airport to say goodbye. Mom was crying and Dad was on the verge of tears.

"You'll make sure to visit on the holidays," Mom sniffles.

"Don't worry mom! We'll keep in touch!" Will reassures.

"Oh, both my babies are leaving!" She starts to cry hard again.

"Mom! Your gonna make me cry!" I laugh while pulling her into a hug.

"Stay safe, and keep her out of trouble," Dad says to Will.

I pulled away from my mom and turned to my dad. His eyes where glassy, but he had a big smile on his face.

Last call for flight 7B! Last call, 7B

(I have no clue how airports work so bare with me here!)

"Mackenzie, that's our flight," Will comments.

"Awe! Be safe my babies!" Mom cries before pulling us both into one last hug.

We pull away and board the plane. We find two open seats and get comfortable.

I plan to make a vlog on this whole moving thing, so might as well start now. I pull out my spare camera from my purse and hit record.

"Hey cheeseheads! Mac here with another vlog! So, today, I'll be moving in with my boyfriend Liam! So I am currently in the airport, on the plane, about to take off. So there'll be a time laps of that!" I say into the camera enthusiastically.

I then set the camera by the window and put it in ultra fast time laps mode. (Idk how cameras work😂).

I spent most of the flight sleeping. I played on my phone a bit too. After what felt like forever, we landed.

I grabbed my luggage and ran off the plane. I quickly found Liam and jumped into his arms.

Will ran up behind me and hugged Shelby who was there too.

"Where is all your move in stuff?" Liam asks.

"We got this service thingy that'll bring it to the new house," I answer.

He nods his head.

I pull out my camera to continue my vlog.

"Ok guys, so I am with Shelby and Liam now," I begin.

"Hello!" Shelby chirps.

"Hey," Liam greets the camera.

"Oh! And Will's been here the whole time!" I say with a laugh.

"Thanks for remembering me," Will grumbles.

"Anyway, we are gonna go get some lunch and then we are gonna split up into our own new homes!" I chirp before cutting the vlog.

"So where do wanna eat?" Shelby squeaks a question.

"I'm hungry for a hamburger," Will answers.

"Burger King it is!" Liam says triumphantly.

I put my bags in Liam's car, since he drove all the way to California, and Will put his in Shelby's. We hopped in and drove to Burger King.

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