The Next Morning

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Mac's POV
I woke up with arms wrapped around me. They where strong and warm. I didn't know whose they where. I didn't want to move in case I wake them up. Then it would be awkward. But then when they do wake up it will be awkward. I decided to move. I wriggle out of the unknown arms and see that they are.....


What happened! Why was I in Graser's arms? Then it came to me.

Shelby spun the bottle. It slowed and landed on me. A smile spread across Shelby's face.

"Truth or Dare Mackenzie," she asked a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Call me Mac and Dare," I respond with a smile.

"Ok, I dare you to snuggle with Graser while we watch the movie," she says with a smirk.

I gag a little before answering, "fine."

"Yay! I got to kiss and now get to snuggle a hot girl!" Graser says woth a devilish smirk.

"GRASER! THAT'S MY SISTER!" Will shouts. He looks like he is about to slap Graser.

Shelby laughs while Liam looks a bit jealous.

End Flashback
Now I remember. I smile as I remember all the hilariously stupid things Graser said. He's a good guy but I'd never be with him.

I stand up and look towards where Shelby and Will where. Shelby had fallen asleep on Will's shoulder and mow he is snuggling her. They may not admit it but there is something going on between them. I think I'll play a bit of match maker.

For now I will focus on breakfast. I open up the fridge and see some milk,  orange juice, eggs, bacon, and bread. Bacon and eggs it is!

I start cooking when Shelby awakes. Even though I can't see her face I know she is blushing.

"Morning Shelby!" I call making her jump.

"Oh Mac! You scared me! Good morning!" She laughs.

"So how was you night with Will?" I ask with a devilish smirk.

"Wh-what do you mean?" She stammers.

"Don't deny it! I say you snuggling him!" I giggle.

"Ok fine! I like him! Just don't tell him please!" She sighs.

"Your secret is safe with me," I say giving her a smile.

"So how was your night with Graser!" She says changing the subject.

"Ugh! Don't remind me!" I groan.

She giggles and the Liam wakes up.

"Morning girls," he yawns.

"Morning!" We say in unison.

"I've got bacon!" I shout happily as I pull the delicious meat out of the oven.

"Yum!" Liam says licking his lips.

Shelby grabs a piece and takes a bite.

"Lets wake up the other two," I say.

Liam wakes Will while I wake Graser. Shelby continues to eat.

"Graser, wake up!" I say in a soothing voice.

"Five more minutes!" He grumbles.

"I SAID NOW!" I squeal in his ear.

"Ok ok I'm up! Geese!" He moans.

Then we all eat.

"So what do you want to do today?" Liam asks.

"BEACH!" Graser shouts.

"Inside voice Grase," Will says still half asleep.

"BEACH!" Graser shouts even louder.

Will groans as Shelby, Liam, and I laugh.

"I guess we can go to the beach," Shelby chimes in as we stop laughing.

"Sounds good to me!" Liam adds.

"So its decided, we are going to the beach!" I say happily.

"BEACH!" Graser shouts ate the top of his lungs.

"SHUT UP GRASER!" Will shouts.

We all burst out laughing and continue to eat.

Thanks for reading this short lil' chapter! I bet you guys thought she was snuggling Liam. Nope! Anyway, next chapter they go to the beach! Also, I will be mostly telling this story through Mac's POV. If I have a good idea I'll do Liam but it will mostly be Mac's. Anyway, have a good day or night! Bye!
Word count: 641

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