Karaoke at the Bar

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Mac's POV
My birthday is tomorrow. I'm SO excited! Just gotta get through this day! Just one more day and I'll be 20! Then I gotta wait one year and I can drink! Yay!

Tomorrow we are having a party with some of friends from high school. So today, Liam, Will, Shelby, and Graser are taking me to a bar. (I checked, they all can drink).

I know what you're thinking, 'Mackenzie! You just said I can't drink yet!' I know but we aren't going for that. We're going because it's Karaoke night and I LOVE karaoke.

Plus, it's 80's night so you're only aloud to sing things from the 1980's. I'm gonna be in heaven!

"Mackenzie! You should probably get ready," Will says as he turns on out 5th movie for the day.

"Why would she need to get ready now? We still got 2 and a half hours until we gotta go," Liam inquires.

"She needs to shower, because she smells, she's gotta pick out an outfit and do her hair and makeup. Plus she's a bit of a diva so it'll take her at least 2 hours to be ready," Graser answers earning a glare from me.

"We wanna be early so she needs to get ready now!" Will finishes.

I nod and stand up to go, "come on Shelby!"

"But it won't take me 2 hour! Why do I gotta come!" She protests.

"Because I need some one to help me pick out my outfit! Now lets go!" I answer sarcastically.

She rolls her eyes and reluctantly fallows me to my room. I pull out 3 outfits I had in mind and laid them out on my bed.

The first one was a red dress that was a bit short. I paired it with a black leather jacket that had red rhinestones. I had the perfect pair of red shoes to match with it.

The second outfit was a periwinkle blouse paired that I planned to tuck into some blue jeans that had gems on the back. I paired it with some tall back boots.

The last outfit was a black and red KISS crop top paired with some black short shorts. They too, had bedazzled accents. I had fish net leggings to go under it and some converse.

"So which outfit?" I ask.

"Well in my opinion, the first outfit is too formal, even with the jacket. So that ones out," she began.

I nodded and watched as she looked back and forth between the other two outfits.

"I think you should wear the third outfit because it suits you and you're personality more," she says after about five minutes if thinking.

"Brilliant! I honestly liked that one best!" I say with a giggle.

"Then why didn't you just wear it in the first place!" She asks in an annoyed tone.

"Because I needed a second opinion! Duh!" I responded a bit sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes and laughed.

"What're you gonna wear?" I ask her as she's about to leave.

"My 'hello' hoodie with some leggings," she answers with a small smile.

"You can't wear that! It's 80's night!" I shout.

"What else should I wear?" She asks.

"You can look through my closet while I'm showering," I answer.

"But what if they're too big?" She wonders.

"Safety pins!" I answer happily.

She smiles and goes into my closet. I take my outfit and go into the bathroom to shower.

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