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Mac's POV
"WILLIAM! LUNCH TIME!" I shouted down the hall.

"GIVE ME A SECOND!" He calls back.

I sigh and sit down in front of my lunch. My mouth watered as I gazed at my golden gooey macaroni. I was getting inpatient.

I would usually have gone and physically gotten Will, but my birthday is in 3 days and I don't want to spoil any possible presents.

To distract me from my hunger, I went on YouTube. Within the 5 months I've had my channel, I've gotten 201,469 subscribers. I have Will to thank since many of them found me because of Will.

I looked at the video I posted yesterday. It was my first episode on the Avenue. It already had 103,642 views. I looked at the comments and favorited all the ones that made me smile, which was literally every comment.

After YouTube, I went on Twitter. I had just reached 1 million followers. The YouTube publicity has helped me to gain those last few hundred.

After going through Twitter I went on Snapchat. I watched all my friends stories, posted streaks, and responded to some fan messages. Then, I took a photo of me by my macaroni with the dog filter on. I captioned it 'lunch time!' I took a screenshot and then posted it to my story.

Then, I went on Instagram and posted the screenshot. I then browsed around Instagram liking all my friends photos until Will came back.

"What took you so long?" I asked as he took his seat.

"I was editing a video," he answered slowly.

"But we didn't record today. Also, you if you were editing-"

"I was editing."

"If you were, you would have stopped to eat lunch and then resumed your editing. Seems quite suspicious. This has something to do with my birthday, doesn't it?"

"Maybe... Now shut up and eat your Macaroni!" he responds suspiciously.

I giggle and dig into the delicious cheesy meal. After, Will and I spend the rest of our day watching Stranger Things on Netflix.

The next morning, I woke up and Will was gone. I found a note that said:

Out of Milk!
Went to get some!
Be back soon!


shrugged it off and went to the pantry to find breakfast. I cooked up strawberry pop tarts with a tall cold glass of milk. (No, milk is not a mistake. Mac, like me, doesn't pay much attention when it comes to putting food into her belly). I sat on the couch and watched Netflix until the door opened signifying Will's arrival home.

"What took you so long?" I asked him.

"Had to pick up a few extra things," he responds sheepishly.

I turn around to greet him and see Liam, Shelby, and Graser smiling at me. I squealed so loudly China heard me. I ran up and gave them all big hugs.

"Surprise!" They all shout in unison as I pull away.

"What're you guys doing here?" I asked excitedly.

"We came for your birthday," Liam said before giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Aww! Thanks!"

"It was Will's idea!" Shelby squeaks.

"Thanks Will," I say giving him a HUGE hug.

"No problem," he says back with a smile.

"Where will we be staying? I expect a ten star resort!" Graser shouts ruining our sibling moment.

"There is no such thing as a ten star resort Grase," I say with a laugh.

Graser laughs his obnoxious laugh.

"Shelby will be with me, Liam with Mac, and Graser on the couch," Will informs.

"Now that we know the sleeping arrangements, lets unpack!" Shelby chirps.

We all nod and get to work.

Liam's POV
"When do your flights get here?" Will asks after answering Mac.

"Mine arrives at 7:30," Graser responds.

"Mine is at 9," Shelby says happily.

"Great, and you Liam?"

"I'll be there at 8," I answer.

"Good, I gotta go before Mac blows a gasket, bye!" Will says before leaving teamspeak.

I exit teamspeak after saying goodbye and look down at my feet to see link.

"Wanna go outside?" I ask him.

He pants excitedly. I get up and take hon for a walk. I then drop him at his dog sitter's house and leave for my fight.

When I land, I find Will and Graser waiting. I run over and give them all bro hugs.

"So what're we gonna do while we wait for Shelby?" I ask.

"I was thinking we just sit and talk while we wait," Will answers.

"But that's boring!" Graser complains.

"Works for me!" I say ignoring Graser.

We then wait. As soon as Shelby arrives, we go out for breakfast to a cafe. Then we go back to Will and Mac's apartment.

"Ok, remember, when Mac notices you, shout 'surprise'. Got it?" Will says.

We all nod and he opens the door.

"What took you so long?" Mac asks.

"I picked up a few extra things," Will responds sheepishly.

She turns around and see's us. She squeals so loudly, China could have heard her. She runs over and gives us big hugs.

When she pulls away we all shout, "SURPRISE!"

What's up dogs! Wacky here! I'm so sorry this wasn't out on time. I wrote the chapter all good and dandy. I went to post it and it wouldn't let me! I pushed 'publish' about 100000000000 times but it wouldn't work. So I gave up and thought "I'll post it tomorrow morning." Then, this morning when I went to publish it, it was gone! I was so frustrated. I rewrote it and now you are reading it! So I'd like to say thank you for being so patient. I love you all so, so, so much! Wacky Wolf AWAY! *jumps out of Magic's window*
Word count: 964

Fallen Angel (HbombxReader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ