Are They Dating?

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Shelby's POV
I woke up warm and safe. I felt arms rapped around me. So it wasn't a dream! I was with Will. I rolled over and looked at his adorable face. He was peacefully sleeping. I smiled and thought about how lucky I am to be with him.

He then started to stir. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled. I smiled back.

"Good morning beautiful," he whispers to me sleepily.

"Good morning!" I respond in a cheerful voice.

"Are we gonna tell everyone?" He asks.

"I don't see why not. We can make a video about it today before vidcon tomorrow," I respond with a warm smile.

He nods his head in agreement and then roles out of bed. He stands up, stretches and let out a big yawn. I let out a small giggle and the hop out of bed.

We walk out of Will's room hand in hand. Mac isn't awake yet. We sit down on the couch and cuddle.

Mac's POV
I didn't sleep last night. I've been lying on my bed all night thinking about how stupid I am. But then when I look back on the kiss, I remember him kissing back. Does he like me? Or was he just too shocked to do anything else. Either way seeing him today is gonna be awkward af.

I finally decide to roll out of bed. I lazily walk out of my room and see Will and Shelby snuggling. I let out a very loud gasp. I then start squealing and giggling. I am such a fangirl.

Shelby and Will look towards me. Shelby has a giddy grin on her face and Will has a cheeky smile. After giving me a good look Will's smile turns to a frown.

"Mac, are you ok?" He asks.

"Yeah," I answer weakly.

"No you aren't," he says.

"Why do you say that?" I ask tiredly.

"Well, you look like you got no sleep and you sound like you have been beaten up or something," he answers.

"I guess I was kinda restless," I mumble.

"Mac, you gotta get some rest!" Will scolds.

"But I can't! I couldn't fall asleep!" I cry.

I can feel tears well up in my eyes. Will didn't look mad like he usually is when I stay up. He looks really concerned.

"Will, I'll talk to her. Girl to girl," Shelby says with an assuring smile.

Shelby and I then go to my room and sit on my bed. She looks me in the eyes and gives me a warm smile.

"So what's been on your mind?" She asks giving me a reassuring smile.

"Well, I kissed Liam last night," I sighed.

"Omg Mac! That's great!" She squealed excitedly.

"No, it's not," I say sadly.

"What? Why?" She says confused.

"Well, I kinda pulled away and ran when I realized what I did. He must hate me now," I answer sadly.

"Oh, Mac! Liam is a big ol' teddy bear! He could never hate someone, especially not you!" She says giving me a hug.

"Thanks Shelby," I say giving her a smile, "I'll talk to him about it later."

"Atta girl! Now lets go! My new boyfriend is waiting for us," she says with a cheeky smile.

"Wait, BOYFRIEND!" I squeal as she exits the room.

I run out of my room and tackle Will.

"Mac! What the f***!" Will shouts as I pin him to the floor.


"Yeah, so?" Will grunts as he pushes me off.

"MY SHIP!" I start to fangirl.

"Wait, ship... GOD DAMNIT LIAM!"
Will grumbles.

Then, as if on que, Liam and Graser walk in.

"LIAM!" Will shouts when he sees the two boys.

"What did I do?" He asked confused.

"YOU TAUGHT HER ABOUT SHIPPING!" Will shouted in a fakish angry voice.

"Oh, yeah. Wait, how do you know she knows about shipping?" Liam says confused.


"Wait... YOU TWO ARE DATING! EEEEEE!" Liam starts to fangirl.

"GOD DAMNIT! FML!" Will shouts frustrated.

"Aww, baby, you didn't expect them to do this?" Shelby coos through giggles.

Graser then starts to entertain us with weird Graser knowledge when Liam asks to talk to me alone. We go to my room and sit on my bed.

"What's up?" I ask nervously.

"Look about last night," he begins.

I cut him off, "Liam, I'm sorry. I should never have kissed you like that. It was in the moment, I didn't think! I understand if you hate me and don't wanna talk to me again."

"Mac... I'd never hate you. Don't be sorry! I liked the kiss! Mac I... I lo... I l-love you!" He said.

I looked into his eyes. They were full of love and forgiveness. He just said he loves me. I didn't know what to do. I then, without thinking again, kissed him. He immediately kissed back.

"I love you too!" I say as we brake apart.

He smiles and gives me a hug.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.

I nod and we share another kiss. This is the best day of my life! I'm so glad Will brought me on this trip.

Graser's POV
"And that's why cats are the best animal," I finish with a goofy smile.

"Graser, that made no sense!" Shelby giggled.

Then Liam and Mac came back into the room. I noticed they were holding hands. Liam opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.


Both Mac and Liam blushed.

"H-how did you know?" Mac asked.

"You were holding hands," I answered.

I looked at Shelby and Will who were snuggling each other. Will looked a little mad and Shelby looked excited.

"Congrats you guys!" She chirped.

Everyone turned towards Will. He looked between Liam and Mac. He let out a sigh.

"I guess I allow it," he says.

"Oh I don't care if you allow it or not. I just wanted to see if you would freak out or not!" Mac says with a laugh.

Will glares at her and Shelby giggles.

"We have two new relationships in one day, YAY!" I shout happily.

They all laugh and then both couples share a kiss with their partner. I watch awkwardly. It then accrued to me that now I'm the third wheel.

"F***!" I shout making them all turn to me.

"Whats wrong?" Mac asks concerned.


They all laugh and then the girls cook breakfast while the the boys and I watch T.V. What a good way to start the day.

Whats up dogs! WackyWolf here and thank you for reading this chapter if Fallen Angel! Like my new intro? I do! It's weird and crazy just like me AND it has to do with DOGS! Anyway, hows your day/night? I'm bored! Lol! Well thanks for reading! Luv you all, WACKYWOLF AWAY! *flies out of room like underdog*
Word count: 1175

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