Chapter Three: Awkward Situations

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My throat still raw, I gulp down the water as who I earlier learned to be Paul and Patryck re-enter the room. This time without Red Leader. Both of them seem a little unsure of what to say, so I decided to speak for them.

"So what was that you called Red Leader earlier? Tord, was it? Is that his real name?" My voice comes out smoother as my throat quickly starts to feel better after drinking some water.

"Yeah, that's the name he went by before the war -" Paul began but quickly was cut off as Patryck elbowed him in the ribs, causing a quick "ow" to come out. Patryck suddenly looked concerned as if he was afraid he actually hurt his companion.

"Touchy subject, I see." I smirk.

"The war has made things... complicated," Patryck responds semi sternly, taking glances at Paul, still checking if he's okay.

"As a war would. I mean, I wouldn't expect war to make things easier."

"Ah, Tom, even after facing death, you're as sarcastic as ever," Tord laughs as the Norwegian walks through the door, joining us once again. "How do you feel?"

"Does confused count? Because besides that, I feel fine, I guess?"

"Ha! Well, everything should be clear shortly," he shrugs. "But if you feel better, then get up. It's time to show you to your actual room and get your training going."

I want to ask more questions, but my body moves before I really even have time to think. Despite my body's stiffness earlier, I seem to be on my feet instantly, yet I don't remember trying to stand up... Tord nods in approval at something and types something once more on the computer.

"Paul and Patryck will show you around," he finally adds without looking at me.

I put on the shoes left for me at the end of the bed as Paul turns and opens the door, motioning for me to go. I walk out into a hallway that matches the color scheme of the room I woke up in. All white. We appear to be in a hospital ward of sorts. The two others quickly follow with the door firmly shutting behind us. We walk in silence down the hall, passing empty rooms that are identical to mine. The only noise was the sound of our footsteps echoing off the walls. As we near the end of the hallway, we pass a room with a light beeping being produced from it with the sound grabbing my attention. There is someone asleep on the white hospital bed who appears to be in a rough state. They have their whole chin and one of their eyes wrapped in thick white bandages, and their hair is a wild mess of orange on the top of their head. With pieces of hair sticking out every way and other parts plastered with dirt and sweat to their face. I don't get to look long, though, as I am quickly told to keep walking. There wasn't anything I recognized about the poor guy, but then again, why would there be?

We approach some large double doors with a big red cross painted on them. With my strength still working its way back its difficult to push them open, but the two other men take initiative, pushing the doors open and stepping in front of me. I nod as a quick thank you and easily step through. We begin our walk down another corridor as we pass a very large room with a large glass window, giving an easy view of it. There is a wall lined with targets inside and several mats sprawled out of the floor.

"That's the training room. You will be coming here a lot until you get your strength back, most likely."

"Who are we fighting against anyways?" I still have a lot of questions, and this seems like as good of a time as any to get some answers.

"We were fighting the Blue Resistance, but now that that group has been... disbanded, we now only have the few scattered groups of rebels against us, " Patryck answers. I briefly close my eyes as I feel a small electrical surge go through my head. I can't place what it was, but I forgot what I was thinking about. It probably didn't matter.

We come up to a wall in which we could either turn left down another white hallway or right down a red hallway.

"Down there," Patryck points down the white hall. "Is the kitchen, meeting room, cafeteria, and a few other things, but those are the important parts."

"And down this hall," Paul adds, pointing to the red hall. "Is the living quarters of Red Leader and his closest soldiers."

"So... his henchman, basically?"

"I suppose you could put it that way if that's how you want to take it..." Patryck mutters.

We begin down the red hallway, and I nearly bump into Paul as we very abruptly stop in front of a single wooden door.

"This is your room. Red Leader's is at the end of the hall, and ours is right across from yours."

"Ah, so you two share a room?" I smirk.

Paul's face suddenly matches the color of his sweater as he mumbles something about there being two rooms connected with one door.

"Just keep it down at night, okay neighbor?" I wink and walk into my room sneaking a glance at their shocked faces as I shut the door.

The room is a deep blue that matches the outer hall and my uniform. There isn't much in it, just some of the basics. I collapse on the bed that is pushed up against the corner of the room, thankful for the alone time to gather my thoughts. Next to the bed is a black nightstand with a digital clock on it that read 10:14 AM. With the lack of outside windows to this place, you wouldn't even be able to tell that it's morning.

Across the bed is a small desk and a door on either side of the desk, different from the one I came in. One I can tell just by the looks of it is a closet door. It's slightly cracked open, and I can see a few shirts similar to the one I'm wearing now hanging inside. My curiosity getting the better of me, I stand up to go explore where the other door leaves. It opens to a medium-sized, black and white tiled bathroom with grey walls. It has pretty much all the basics, a full shower, toilet, and a sink.

I notice the mirror above the sink and decide to get a better look at myself. My light brown hair is sticking up in a very messy fashion. Then there was my face, but more specifically, the visor. It is jet black, and my eyes are literally just green pixels that create solid squares showing my eyes are open. Is this really how I see? There are a few tiny scars sticking out from the bottom of it, but besides that, it seems like whatever procedure they did went perfectly. If that was even the one they were talking about. Curious about the stitches, I take off my shirt to get a better look. Not only did I have stitches on my right wrist, shoulder, and forearm, but I also had a few stitches along the upper left side of my chest. Right above my heart. Something about that idea sends shivers down my spine.

"The doctors did a good job, didn't they?" I jump back as I suddenly see Tord leaning against the bathroom door frame.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I yell as the burst of panic slowly begins to decrease.

"Ha ha... Well, it wouldn't be the worst thing that has happened to you."

Suddenly aware of my shirtless state, I attempt to put it on again and end up slipping on my vest that ended up on the floor somehow.

"Ha! Classic stupid, Tom! Here..." He extends his non robotic arm and helps me up. I quickly slide on the shirt and fumble with each button, struggling more than I really should be. Lastly, I put back on the cursed vest and smooth it out.

"Now that you're dressed, it's time to begin your training." He smoothly turns around and strolls out. I just stand there for a minute, unsure of what just really happened.

"Well, come on, Tom!"

And just like that, I'm following this strange man down the hall to learn how to use guns and stuff. I mean, I'm not entirely sure what role he expects me to play in all of this or what role I have played thus far that is. Regardless, I follow him to find out, not because I chose to follow, but because something told me I had to.


Authors Note:

Hey guys! I hope you are enjoying the story so far! I tried to have a bit more character development as well as a bit of an introduction to where he is. Unfortunately, I am sick rn (not that you really care probably) but the good part of that was that I had more time to work on this chapter! What do you think of the story? I would love some feedback! Bai guys!


A Future War ~  Future Au TomTord Eddsworld FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now