Chapter Eight: Alcohol and Monsters

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Tord's POV:

"He's here," Patryck reports after bursting into the room. Despite the sirens blaring, I still hear him somehow. 

"Where?" I demand trying to contain myself. I am fully aware of my temper, but despite this, I still can't really control it.

"Our systems indicated his appearance in the wing of the soldiers living quarters with the stolen technology." Paul responds. Of course, Edd would come back for Matt. That's what he's here for, I'm guessing, especially considering his location.

Between my growing frustration and the alarms, I don't hear whatever Paul says next or begins to say. The only thing that brings me back is the weight of the stares of the soldiers anticipating commands. 

That's right. I'm in control.

I give the commands, and everyone, of course, almost immediately obeys. Edd was detected on one end of the base, so of course, I would send Tom and Matt to the opposite end. Plus, when Tom activates lock down mode, the training room will block out any teleportation devices from entering or leaving that area. I watch as Matt and Tom sprint out the door, heading the opposite way from everyone else. Tom stumbles a bit as he goes.

Too risky. But I can't have them come with me. As the rest of the soldiers quickly file out, I turn to see Paul and Patryck being as supportive as ever. I nod, and we head just a few doors down to check the security status in the conference room. Upon entering  I approach a small panel on the wall and enter in the code. An affirmative green light glows with a matching ding, and the alarms finally stop pounding on my skull. A monitor slides out of the wall with a keyboard to control it.  The reports confirm all of which Patryck claimed to be true earlier, but what is alarming is the most recent reports. At first, that was all there was, the old reports, but the screen briefly flashes as it warns of new activity detected by the training room. The warnings are quickly dismissed as it shows lock down mode being activated only seconds later. They were too late. I curse in Norwegian and slam the button a little too hard, sending the monitor back into the wall. I hope I didn't break anything, but that's the least of my concerns at the moment.

Adrenaline burst through me as I sprint out the door and to the training room, not even checking to see if my henchman caught on to what has happened. 

Matt and Tom are most likely trapped in there with Edd now. At least there is nowhere for Edd to go. As if on cue, the small device I use to keep tabs on some of Toms statuses vibrates violently in my pocket. This can't be good. 

I skid to a stop, practically slamming my hand on the door, which is followed by a loud clang as my metal hand hits the metal door. 

"Open," I demand as an electric pulse shoots through my robot arm that deactivates lock down mode. The door swings open obediently. I rush in and take a moment to assess the scene set in front of me. Of course, I notice the first thing I look for right away. Tom.

He is on his knees on the floor hunched over in a very tense state. He is gripping tightly at his head in pain as he trembles ever so slightly. It's hard to see with his head turned down as it is, but I can tell his visor is flashing with green pixels spelling out "ERROR" across his face. Matt seems to be so confused and scared that he hasn't even noticed my entrance yet. He is half standing protectively in front of Tom, while half seeming to hide behind him all the same.  He has a hand on Tom's tense shoulder and calls out his name every now and then while looking between him and Edd.

Edd seems to be glued into place purely out of how conflicted he is about the situation. I mean, it makes sense with the given circumstances. To him, Matt is siding with traitors. I can use this. Edd glances over and notices me, only increasing the conflicted look plastered on his face. Matt notices Edd's change in attention and follows his line of sight to me. 

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