Chapter Twenty: So Much Alcohol

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Tom's POV:

Tord and I eventually made our way back to the trucks, and by the time we got there, most of the other ones had already left. Let's hope we just aren't ambushed like the last time... The truck vibrates as the engine starts up, and as per the norm what always seems to happen when Tord decides to "celebrate," we naturally turned to my best friend. Alcohol.

I do find it strange how much we seem to drink here, but then again, I'm not complaining. Apparently, the leaders truck always has a few bottles of alcohol in it, so naturally, Tord and I decided to drink in celebration of our victory on the way back. The truck lurches forward, and we begin our journey back as well as our celebrating.

"You sure seem to like your alcohol," I comment to Tord, who is currently filling our flasks for later and prepping bottles to drink from now.

"Ha! Look who's talking," he laughs rather loudly. "You used to drink more than anyone I know, even more than you do now. That's why I always have alcohol around." He hands me a bottle, and he opens one for himself.

"Awe, so you care about my needs?" I tease. If not for the fact we have been slowly getting closer, I wouldn't dare tease my "leader" like this, but sometimes it is just too hard to resist. He makes it too easy to be sarcastic around.

"Oh please, you wish witness." He rolls his good eye. "Nah, you just are an even better soldier when intoxicated, it seems." He chuckles and raises his bottle. I do the same, and we cheers, each taking a couple of big gulps.

We both lower our bottles with a satisfied "ahh." We drink in silence as we fly down the trail. I drink as I watch the trees fly by in green blurs. The truck bounces every now and then as we go over pot holes or debris on the path. I was actually surprised at how quiet we both were. So much for "celebration."

It didn't last too long, though, because of course, when you drink a lot, you become very drunk, and we definitely both were.

"Why are the trees flying? They're so green, it's like, all I can see!"

"You, *hiccup* have an odd fascination with colors." Tord laughed at me.

"Yeah? Well, I was purple again and.... and the bad men were so scared when I was purple!"

"Yeah!" Tord stood up, pumping his good fist in the air. "We showed them!" He started laughing really loud and kind or crazy like. When he gets like this, it often looks like fangs.

"Are you a vampire?"

His laughing is cut off by him suddenly falling over, face-first as the truck comes to another large bump.

"Ha, you fell!" I laugh. I try to push myself up but end up falling as well. Why is standing so hard??????

Tom, you should probably take it easy... Not that I care, but I don't want to die from you being stupid. A voice laughs in my head.

"Why do I hear voices?!?!" I grab at my head. How can I take the weirdness out?

Tom, shhh, you don't want him to know about me.

"Are you *hiccup* going crazy on me, Tommie?"

"Don't *hiccup* call me crazy!"

"What are you going to do about it, witnessss?"

I go to punch him but just end up falling over again. We both just start laughing on the ground of the truck and continue to drink. I don't remember much after that.

Patryck's POV:

I drive away from the battle with Paul sitting next to me. I drive carelessly, knowing these paths like the back of my hand, while I talk to Paul for a bit. It was a nice conversation, while it lasted at least. He eventually dozed off to his hourly nap. Due to the battle, he missed his last couple. I miss talking to him, but he did need his sleep. Otherwise, he would be crabby later.

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