Chapter Five: Bacon

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Tom's POV:

I "open" my eyes and am greeted by the same deep blue ceiling I was introduced to just yesterday morning. It feels like it has been so much longer than just a day...

I'm not sure exactly how long I stayed in the training room last night. After Tord left, it still took a long time to pull myself together. Even after I finally did, I knew it would have been a long time until I would be able to sleep. I decided it would be more productive to attempt to work on getting my bodies strength back. I quickly realized, though, that I am not athletic in the slightest bit. I don't think it was because of the operation or whatever either.

I sit up in my bed with my head slightly throbbing from being such an emotional train wreck yesterday. It's time to go on with life. This is my life now, and I need to stop being a crybaby about it. That is... if I could cry. The visor proves that to be impossible. I mean, you kind of need eyes to cry, right? Assuming I don't have any that is.

I look over at the digital clock on the nightstand. The green glow of the letters now reminds me of how my eyes look every time I see it. I wonder what color my eyes were before all of this... I'm not gonna lie, though, this whole visor thing is kind of cool.

The clock reads 5:30 am. Early, but then again, I went to bed pretty early all the same.

My stomach rumbles, and I reflect on how little I actually ate yesterday. I should probably eat something... I think I might remember where the cafeteria is from the "tour" yesterday.

I make an effort to stand up, using the bed posts for support as I haul myself to my feet. Looking down, I remembered my lack of desire to change my clothes last night. My tie is so loose to the point it's barely on, and my vest is a crumpled mess. If I didn't care yesterday, though, why start now?

Once I feel stable enough, I step out of my room into the dimly lit hallway. I groggily make my way down the eerily quiet hall. I happen upon a set of doors with a big sign with the word CAFETERIA written across it. Convenient.

Pushing open the heavy doors, I see three rows of long tables with matching benches. I wonder how many people actually stay here. It seems like it would fit a whole army of people. I smile at my own accidental joke I just made.

Along the back wall is a door labeled kitchen with a counter and a shuttered window next to it for serving up food, I assume. A little farther down the wall is a mostly empty vending machine next to a more futuristic looking machine. Seeming like the only current source of food I walk over to get a better view of the machine. It's just a big white box with a big square indentation in the front. In the indentation is a ledge with a dispenser above it. The only other describable feature is the hand scanner next to the indentation. I wonder how it works.

I hesitantly lift my hand and debate about putting it on the scanner to see what happens. However, someone beats me as an arm very aggressively shoots out, and a hand slams on the scanner. My body still facing the machine, I turn my head to see Tord facing me with his arm straight out to the side of him on the scanner. He is wearing his usual grin, but this time, it appears more tired and worn. I step to the side as he turns towards the machine, claiming use of it.

His mouth forms a neutral straight line across his face as he makes some selections on a panel that slid out. He does a quick nod it approval as the panel slides back into the machine with some matching robotic noises. Not too long after a cup arises from the center of the indentation and three tubes come out the side. One produces coffee that mostly fills the cup, and the two others fill it the rest of the way with an excessive amount of what I guess to be creamer and sugar. He wraps his good hand around the steaming mug, seemingly enjoying the warmth of it. Next, a plate with bacon piled on slides out of the side on the indentation and onto the ledge.

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