Chapter 4: the Bonding session; in his apartment

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"Come over." 

I was taken back by what he said completely. This boy was temperamental. 

"What?" I shot out, completely knocked off guard. He pushed his head forward, looking around my apartment obviously.

"Are you busy?" I shook my head. He tilted his head to the side.

"Come over." He proposed. "The boys will be back in maybe an hour" He added. I went to speak, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out my door. 

"Wait" I leaned back, grabbing my keys off the side table, locking the door before following him. He walked in without me, so I hesitantly shut the door behind me. He walked over to the fridge, grabbing 2 bottles of water and threw one at me. I caught it, thankfully, before quietly thanking him. He jumped on the couch. Their room wasn't messy, but it wasn't clean. He turned the television off and faced me. 

"You're boyfriend is an arsehole" He spoke, gaining all my attention. Like he didn't have it in the first place. His accent was so strong and I was surprised that I could understand. I shook my head ever so subtly, letting my eyes gloss over.

"I thought we were done talking about this?" I whispered. I hope he didn't bring me over here to talk about George the entire time. I thought we were over it. I didn't want to spend all my time talking about him. 

"He treats you like shit" He spoke obviously. What was his point?

"He didn't used to though" I mumbled. It was making me sad. I just loved sitting here, letting him remind me that my relationship was absolute trash.

"He cheated on you with someone else, basically called you an unstable bitch and said he was only with you because you were an animal in bed" He was clearly confused as to why I was with the boy. He wouldn't understand. No one really did. It had always been George. Me and George. I lowered my head, why did he have to bring it up? I didn't say anything for a while. I'm glad he didn't push it any further, he wasn't saying it in a malicious way, he clearly was just wondering why I put myself through it. He wouldn't be the first who wondered that.

"Yeah, well we fight all the time so" I spoke finally. He let out a loud breath from his nose.

"Don't tell me you're not done with that bastard..." He waited for me to respond.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not sure as to what he was actually expecting to come from this. He squinted at me. 

"You're really going back to him?" He questioned. I shrugged.

"He's my boyfriend..."

"You just split up with him?" He pointed out into the hall. I shrugged my shoulders again. I wasn't expecting the third degree, especially not from him. I was under no impression he cared as to the details of what happened.

"Stop, I'm not talking to you about my boyfriend for fucks sake" I shook my head.

"He fucking cheated on you" Oh my god. "I don't even know you but I know you shouldn't be with someone like him!" I breathed out dramatically.

"It's not your place to feel sorry for me so can we just stop talking about it?" What did he think was going to happen? He gave in and shrugged, leaning his head back on the couch. He stayed quiet for a while, and kept looking over at me.

"I didn't mean to make you sad" He piped up. I swallowed harshly, I'm sure he didn't mean no harm. It was just annoying. I shook my head.

"I'm not, just a bit disheartened I guess" He thought for a while.

"Don't settle for people like him, you deserve so much better" I looked at him, raising an eyebrow slightly. How genuine he was was starting to rub on me. It wasn't something I was used to, and I couldn't help but feel like this was all just a facade. He looked away quickly, shuffling in his seat. I shook my head. I looked behind him, frowning when I saw a wall of pure CDs and Vinyls. I jumped up quickly, walking over to go see them. I hadn't noticed it before. I heard him come over, and stand behind me, making me a little nervous.

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