Chapter 23: Peaceful

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Everything went south. I sat on the roof of the building, letting the tears run violently down my cheeks, creating dark grey patches on my joggers. I was so broken, and I hated it. I was up there for 2 hours, and I couldn't bring myself to stop. Looking down at the quiet street, everything looked so peaceful. I let the sobs cease, as I tried to get everything out my head. I jumped at the sharp sounds of fumbling around, listening to the door slam.

"Katie, there you are, I've been trying to get in touch with you" Luke's voice flowed through my eyes, my body cringing at how cheerful he was. I looked down momentarily but didn't acknowledge him. He laughed nervously. "You're sitting a bit close to the edge love get away from there..." He spoke firmly. "Hey, sit back" The tone of his voice changed in a heartbeat. I laughed at him sarcastically. I looked back at him, watching his face change slowly. He opened his mouth to speak, subtly advancing towards me.

"Go away Luke" I said emotionlessly. He went to keep walking but I put my hand up. "Don't, come here" I think the way I turned around to face him shocked him. His eyes went wide and his hands came out a little in front of him.

"What has happened?" He questioned carefully. I pushed my lips together. I shook my head.

"Nothing, everything is going swimmingly, just like per usual" He just looked at me. Just speaking had made me start crying again, I didn't want to cry anymore, it achieved nothing.

"Get, away from the edge" He said quietly. I went to speak but he stopped me. "I'm not asking you Katie, I'm telling you get away from the edge of the roof" His eyes soared into me.

"What does it matter?" I shouted over to him. He turned his head slightly.

"I get that you're mad right now, but accidents can happen and it's dangerous especially whilst you're feeling like this"

"Feeling like what?" Why was he assuming what I was feeling?

"I, I don't know but you're obviously upset" He stumbled. I shook my head, not even caring enough to roll my eyes.

"Luke I want to be by myself right now" He scoffed sarcastically at me.

"Too bad because I'm not leaving you by yourself on this roof" I let out a noise of distress. I sighed, bringing my knees up to my chest and cried into them. He was standing there, he just needed to leave. I heard the button on his phone making me look up towards him. He had edged himself closer to me, and was only standing about 2 metres now.

"Who are you phoning?" I mumbled. He carried on his phone, looking me in the eyes for a short amount of time before carrying on.

"The boys..." I looked at him. "We're all here for you, they care and whatever your mind is giving you right now, you can rely on us" He seemed more interested after he said that in his phone, and turned his back to me. I could still hear some of the things he was saying but not everything, he was whispering on purpose.

"Pete are you with the boys... Come up to the roof please... It's Katie, she's here I... She's upset" His voice was getting quieter and quieter, but I could make out the things he was emphasising. "I don't know why but..." He hesitated. "I think she was going to jump, I, I don't know what to say to her, and I just want to her to feel better but she won't have any of it... Pete please hurry up" I heard him sigh and he hung up the phone.

"I wasn't going to jump" I let out straight away, that wasn't a thought of mine and I didn't want him to think it was. I think he just presumed the worst. He seemed relieved but he just looked at me. "Everything is just different from up here, everything is so peaceful, and smooth and why can't everything be like that" I cried. He scrunched his eyebrows up at me.

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