Chapter 26: The Beginning Of The End

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The door knocked. Wednesday night, it could have been anyone. I jumped on my skateboard, skating over to it. My eyes went wide as I braced myself for impact, banging into it and laughing. I opened it up, sliding myself back in the process to be met by the beautiful, arrogant body that was Grogan. He leaned against the frame of the door smirking.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" He grinned really wide making me smile too, I hadn't seen him this happy in a while. He blinked a few times trying to focus on me, he was drunk. I giggled as I realised.

"Just wanted to come and tell you something important, darlin'" I pushed my lips together, letting out a laugh and jumped off my skateboard, making me drop in height a little.

"Oh yeah?" He nodded and knocked off the wall. He held his hand out so I put mine lightly in his. He pulled me towards him, but I ended up trying to keep him straight, pushing his chest with his other hand. I couldn't stop giggling at how wasted he was.

"It's top secret you can't tell anyone..." He whispered. I smiled, knowing it was going to be a load of rubbish.

"Okay..." I dragged out. He was standing super close anyways but he came down to whisper right next to my ear.

"Pete, and Dylan, and Aodhan and me... I even, are in a band named Alcohol Poisoning" He was trying to whisper but it wasn't working. My heart sunk to the floor, freezing in place. He was really fidgety so his lips kept brushing my ear. "We went zooming around Europe but we were supposed to be at home in Ireland so you have to shhhh" He leaned back placing his finger on my lips. My eyebrows were raised, mouth open slightly. "You can't tell Katie okay, as we all made a plan and she is the only one who doesn't know" He was nodding his head up and down whispering. I had no words. They were the band that sung the song he sung to me, if I remembered correctly. Which meant he was lying, right? He was drunk, to the point he could hardly stand up. "Did you hear me?" I nodded and he grinned. He held his finger up to say like one more thing. He slowly tipped my head up and nonchalantly kissed me. I was in shock, my hand was already resting on his chest so I pushed him back instantly. What the fuck was he doing? He was definitely drunk, I could taste the alcohol in his mouth.

"Oh god" He dragged out, making me jump a little. I knew he didn't mean to kiss me, he was drunk, but Pete witnessing it meant he wouldn't get away with it. He was smiling wide at me. I pushed my lips together, looking back at Pete who was just as shocked as I was.

"Grogan, your stupid ass is drunk" I groaned, trying to push him back a little. He came back up close to me but I couldn't move.

"Will you find Katie for me?" He whisper shouted down to me. He turned around and seen Pete, stumbling over to him and putting both hands on him, leaving me standing there at my door. "Pete, we have lost Katie" I was too confused to even laugh. Pete was still frozen too so he didn't do anything. Luke tumbled into their room and off to nowhere. Pete was still looking at me with his mouth open slightly. I didn't know how much he heard. I just shook my head, stepping back and slamming my door shut. I could still feel his lips on mine but it was all fake. Were they all really in a band? I went to grab my laptop to search it, but I was too scared. Too frightened to find out the truth. I didn't want to confirm that the boys I knew and loved weren't who I thought they were. He was drunk. I'm sure it was all just a drunken mistake. A drunken lie in his bouncing imagination. That's all I could hope for. That's all I was going to believe, throwing it to the back on my mind. I was annoyed though, and technically I didn't really have a reason to be, I was just moody.

The next day I woke up a bit more forgiving. It was still on my mind but I was kinda laughing about it, it was funny looking at retrospectively. I got ready to go shopping with Aodhan and knocked on their door. I always went shopping with him on Fridays. I didn't know whether to tell him or not. Maybe miss out the part about the band. I wanted to know if it was true but I didn't want anything to change. It was like I was fuelling their own lie against me but I felt like I wasn't ready to hear it yet, and it probably wasn't even true and I didn't want to make a show of myself. Luke opened it smiling at me and motioning inside. His hair was messy and he was wearing baggy clothes. I smirked, biting my lip slightly at how tired he looked.

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