Chapter 21: Broken Bones

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3 months is a long time to be away from someone who is always around you. Well, always around you to a certain extent. It was also a hard time, especially when you had been told they'd been asking about you, and you wanting nothing more but to me there right next to time. Last month or so, Luke Grogan broke his foot. I don't know how. Everyone told me different stories, even the lads... Honesty just flowed through their every bone. Aodhan told me they had to put him to sleep when they fixed it, and the first name he asked for was mine, and he sat looking for me until he realised what he would done. He was probably bullshitting and I didn't care. The lads were trying to get us to speak to each other again; I wasn't having any of it. Not this time, I couldn't go through it again. They hinted that Luke was going to try because that's what he wanted to, but I hadn't acknowledged him in months. Do you want to know the reasons why that didn't make sense? #1 Luke told me that the lads were the ones telling him to stay away from me, so why would they want us back together? #2 Aodhan was the one who told me about Luke asking for me. He was one of my closest friends, and knew how much Luke meant to me, so why would he say something that would bring back feelings, if it weren't the truth? #3 They wouldn't be telling me Luke was going to try if what Luke said was true, surely? Wouldn't they be trying to change Luke's mind instead? #4 I didn't have a clue how Luke hurt his foot, I hadn't even seen him crutches, it might not have even happened. #5 Nothing about them ever made sense, so these questions were just another 4 that were never going to get answered.

I stumbled out of my door, falling flat into the opposite apartment and falling on the floor. It was happening again. I banged on the door with all the strength I could muster up, praying the guys where home for once. You see, I often lost control of my body if I exercised too much and didn't get enough sleep. I guess throwing myself into the gym, cheerleading and going out every other night whilst juggling work and university was catching up on me, and now I was in a cycle of harsh breathing and loss of consciousness. It happened all the time, unfortunately one time in front of Luke after he dropped me off at home one time, the first time he had met my mother and she was trying to keep me awake. I was falling into it when he hit me with the door, and my nose bleed, but I never told him that. I'm surprised he hadn't caught on.

"COME IN!" A voice shouted, making me scrunch my face together, trying to focus on keeping up right, my hands violently pressing against the floor. I hit the bottom of the door again with my fist. My chest was hurting now, and I couldn't control my vision. My head was banging, and my lungs were almost numb. I seriously need to start getting more sleep.

"Aodhan" I got out one time, relaxing almost into the wall as the door opened, slouching against the wall.

"Katie, what are- uh, are you okay?" He jumped out and kneeled next to me. "Whoa what's going on?" His eyes widened as I tried getting his face in focus. He put a hand on my knee trying to steady me.

"I- can't breathe" I got out lowly, making it incredibly hard for him to hear me.

"Are you having an attack?" He asked me, I had told him about them before, making me nod my best. "Katie, breath" Thanks Aodhan, it's not like if I could breathe I totally would. I'm suffering on purpose. "Deep breaths come on..." I tried but I couldn't get a deep breath in. "I need to call an ambulance..." I shook my head as fast as I could, banging my head on the wall, desperately trying to tell him not too. "I need to get help!" He urged, trying to face me. I blinked a few times. He leaned over and poked his head back in his flat. I heard someone mumbling before Dylan appeared.

"What is that noise" He muttered. I looked up at him, watching his eyes widen at the sight on me. His mouth dropped open, his hand shooting over his mouth. He shot around to the other side, dropping to level with me. "Michael, do something" He panicked, looking frantically between me and Aodhan. I was going to collapse if I didn't get help, but if I went into hospital my mum would make me come back home. I needed Luke. This wasn't one of those stories were the boy helps the girl and comes in to save the day, it was just simply because he knew what to do. Aodhan gently tipped me to the side, putting me in the recovery position. I knew this wasn't going to help, but I was tired, and struggling, and they were just trying to help me.

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