chapter 06

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I miss him. Yes. I really do .
Stalking him , making sure to follow every update on his work and most importantly playing spy about his current affairs with hmm .. you know ladies .

They were stuck  like leeches to him in  those pictures posted online by some stupid news page . I hate them, they get to stick to his side while I get to look at him from my small screen

Gosh! I need to change my phone ! Only use it has is to answer my calls and stalk him . I was walking thinking about changing my phone in my hospital corridors and thinking about Arjun .

He was cute and was desperate for my attention . I didn't wish or even look at his way . Let him suffer . He left me . Didn't even look at me when I was there and paid attention to that bitch . No offence I never liked her nor did his family.

I am sure he doesn't care if I wish him or not . But his actions on that day showcased something which I never saw these all years .

Boom! All my files in hand flew away suddenly and heavy body crushed me down . I am now lying on floor with someone who weighs like a ton on me .

"What the fuc.. Dr. Bhat? " I almost cursed but didn't , coz it's him ! My stalker whom khushi calls as my fan .

Huh! He's so heavy . " I am sorry Meera I was just walking fast looking at reports didn't see you " he said .

' Didn't see me ? ' . His ass! . He leaves no chance to be away from me . Look at him , he won't budge a bit . Happy lying on me that too in corridor.

I can feel his hands on my waist moving creepily high . I have to stop

" Look Dr. Bhat , you need to get up . I am suffocating and fucking keep your hands to yourselve , if not..." I was about to continue my sentence but he was pulled away from me suddenly.

"What the hell?! Keep your hands to yourselve ! Don't you touch her ! You bas.." Arjun roared , I had to stop him before I loose my job .

"Bhat! Dr. Bhat , are you ok? " Yes I had to intervene Arjun's outbrust .

"Yes.. yes Meera . I am fine . Who's he "? Bhat asked me .

" Why do u care ? Go do your job , you are not paid here to fall on people you like !" Arjun shouted .

" And Mr . Twisty pants , who are you to tell me that ?!" Dr Bhat asked him mockingly .

Oh no ! He just dig himself a 6 feet grave . Fool ! You are talking with head of this group of hospitals. I mean he's soon going to be .

" You will know it when you get your termination letter" Arjun barked back.

" Arrjun ..I mean sir .. Arjun sir please calm down , it was just an accident.. He's sorry for it ! Aren't you Dr ? I asked Dr Bhat .

He just nodded his head , looked at Arjun angrily and said " I am sorry Meera please don't mind this nuncance, come to my cabin later , we will discuss that child's case " and left from there .

Arjun dragged me. He took me to my cabin closed my door loudly and locked it.  I am not at all new to this, he's short tempered . That's what costed him at that time .

Why is he here ? He should have gone back with uncle . He doesn't even have his dad's reports to think that he's here for some doubts .

Did he really come back to talk with me about something other than his dad's health?

" What just happened there!?" He asked through his gritted teeth.

" Well, I fell down and he on top me .  You came helped him to stand back and dragged me here " I said coolly

" And not to exclude how you shouted on a doctor in corridor" I added.

" You think it was an accident out there? I fucking saw him coming towards you deliberately" he shouted back in frustration.

" Oh ! Did he ? That's bad . " I replied back

He snapped his head towards me and closed distance between us " He touched you ." He said.

"Oh . It's okay, it was an accident anyway, shit happens . Well  he didn't touch much . I guess he just placed his hands on floor there to take support so that he can get away from me ." I replied, trying to calculate his expression.

" It's okay ? Really accident? Are you okay if I touch you ? " He said lowly and touched my waist where Dr Bhat had  placed  his hands previously.

I was mad . What does he think that I enjoy people touching me ? I removed his hand and said" I don't enjoy anyone touching me, it was spur of movement. Don't you ever place your hands on me  . Stay back. And who are you to get  affected with what just happened down that corridor? I could have saved myself even if you  didn't come. Don't cross your limits. " I spatted back.

He didn't move a bit , just stared back at me" I will get affected coz you are mine and I don't like anyone touching you inappropriately " he said with serious tone and moved back.

Oh yeah ? You are mine ? Bullshit !

I got irritated and shouted " I am not some thing to claim as yours , I have a heart and feelings and I am human ! You filthy garbage ! Why don't you go and stick your dick somewhere else ! "

He smirked and came close to me again and said " I will make sure that I stick my dick in you somewhere ,  you are mine . "

" I never will make a mistake of leaving you or your advise again " he said , winked at me and left my cabin .

God ! I could feel my cheeks going red and hot to touch . I might be looking like tomato to him  . Why do I have to bring his dick in our conversation!

" And don't you dare go to his cabin to discuss any case alone , next time i don't know what will I do with him " he came back and warned me .

Why shouldn't I go to his cabin? Doctors need to work together to treat a patient properly , as if I will listen to him. I agree Dr Bhat is a prick but I have to discuss the case and I will go .

Wait ! Did he just say don't go alone ?
So thoughtful of him!


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Dedicated to varsha1702

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