chapter 42

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I could feel someone calling me. Asking me to get up. Begging me to just see them once.

" No son , she's can't. " Someone said.

" No ! I want her to look at me atleast once !." Someone argued.

" She has been unconscious since four days and got hit her head hard against window railing. " someone said. Are they talking about me ? Am I not dead still? Why!?

" I want her dad , I just want her back , I love her. My Meera. " someone said clutching my hand tight and sobbing loudly.

" Calm down Arjun." someone said.

Arjun?????! Is he here ? Or someone playing games to wake me up?!!! Is Arjun really here! Oh my god !I tried to wake up but my eyes doesn't open and my head hurts badly. Who the hell does hit their head to window railing and fall unconscious??

"Arjun stay calm . Let her rest . Come on now. Let's go out. " someone suggested .

I felt people going out with click of door and I am very dejected. Fate is unfair. Here I am waiting for him and  now I am stuck to this bed unable to let him know that I can hear and feel his presence.  My head hurts so bad that I feel like to just sleep forever and I went into deep slumber hoping next time when I wake up I could actually look and talk to him.


I walked out of meera's room. I could see worried face of every person in the family. My mum hugged me tight followed by everyone. By their looks I could make out that  they have been crying a lot.

" Come here. Eat something." my mum drags me to dining room. I immediately remember the fight which took place here with Meera trying to take revenge from Sid.

" No mum , I am not hungry. Please let me just stay in her room." I begged her.

" Bro ! I am worried sick about you!." Nik came running followed by Sameer.

Khushi suddenly came and hugged me "Arjun , it was hell without you. I thought I will lose Meera too. Never seen her in such condition before ! " She sobbed holding me tight.

" Shh I am back.  She will be back to normal I promise." I said whiping her tears . I could see Sid standing far away from everyone and looking at me blankly.

" What exactly happened Arjun! ? " My dad questioned me.

" I will explain later. Just eat something and sleep all of you. I am back and safe now. Sid can I speak with you for a second?" I asked him walking towards him.

He just gave me blank look and walked through door leading to garden.

" Sid , how are you? You haven't spoken a thing!"  I asked  making him stop in his track.

He turned around looked at me and walked again as if I am not there.
" Sid! Come on ! Don't be like that !" I said running behind him.

" Tell me how should I be then?" He screamed back I guess grabbing our family's attention.

" Sid.." I said . I don't have any words.

" What? Tell me huh!" He shouted pushing me by my shoulder.

" Tell me how should I be when I hear my best friend is dead and my sister is breaking apart piece by piece just by hearing that news! " He shouted again pushing me back .

" Tell me how should I pacify my sister? How should I handle her when she cries that she lost her first love ! " He shouted grabbing me by my arms and looking into my eyes.

He again pushed me back and walked away but turned around and said
" I have never made my sister cry in my whole life. I couldn't bear her watching like that. I swear if something happens to her I will kill you myself personally."

" Sid i didn't do this on purpose nor to play with you all ! I am sorry ok. My phone is dead and it's charger is in my laptop bag. I tried calling you people from hotel landline but it was not connecting as there's poor weather. We were strictly warned to stay inside our rooms! I finally walked from our hotel to office just to contact you people to let you know that I am fine ! I didn't even know the plane which I was supposed to catch is missing until today morning! I swear if something happens to my Meera I will kill myself Sid." I shouted falling on ground and sobbing loud .

I felt him hugging me
"I have missed you. You don't even know what I went through hearing that plane is missing. Shh Arjun , she will be fine . I am sorry . M  under lot of stress."

" Group hug.!" Someone shouted and I felt heavy weight upon me. Nik , Sameer , my and meera's dad both jumped on us screaming that all will be fine. I struggled hard to breathe.

" Enough you are suffocating them both." khushi shouted pulling Sameer away who just lay on us spreading his limbs wide.

We all got up and I saw Sid walking towards Khushi seriously.

" Next time don't hug anyone other than me" he warned her dragging her inside. I saw her blushing hard and smiled wide , she sure is my meera's friend! Nik and Sameer were whistling and even shouted
"We want niece or nephew or both very soon.!"

I laughed at them and turned towards meera's mum who was also silent this whole time.

" Aunty.?" I called her.

"She will be fine.  Just stress and bit of cut , I am sure she will get up when she hears you came back. You just have to make her realize that you are back for real." she blabbered crying a bit.

" I know , I know . She's will for sure." I said hugging her. 


Arjun is back! Can't make him gone for long coz I love him tooo!

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Until next time :)

LET ME BE YOUR HOME ( Completed )✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora