chapter 38

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We were travelling in car , silence spread through out our journey . We held each other's hand and kept glancing at the world which is passing by us through our window . We did not speak . We need not speak , we could feel each other at this moment. After about half an hour we arrived at our destination

This is it

We got down and waited for Khushi and my brother to arrive which they did just after two minutes .

" Meera m sorry , I promise there's no work left other than some submission with that machinery will be sanctioned and I can come back to you." Arjun said looking sad .

I was prepared for anything .
" Arjun why are you feeling guilty ? I just wanted to see you , I know how busy and important this is for you . I will be waiting for you don't feel bad . You have to come back at some point right?." I said hugging him .

" Ouch !." I shouted when I felt someone hitting my back .

" You will forget us?!!! How evil of you two! I will never accompany you anywhere ! You are such a bitch !." Akash shouted at us .

Shit! I completely forgot about these two ! How selfish of me ! I just forgot that he's the reason we are safe here before we surprised our respective husbands.

" What did you say?."
Both arjun and my brother almost went on him . But me and khushi held them back .

" I am so sorry akaaaassshhhh." Khushi said holding her ears .

" Why are you apologizing him babe ?" My brother  said in anger.

" Shut up ! He has every right to talk like that ! Only he has that right to use that tone on us !." She said looking at both Arjun and sid .

They nodded their head as small puppies .

" I am not going to talk with you both from now on , you got your better half and forgot me completely? And you Khushi! You didn't even open the door when I knocked on it almost everyday . Bye . Come Sanjana " he yelled on us and left us there walking inside .

We both sighed and looked at each other .

" Arjun I will be leaving now , can't leave those two alone." I said hugging him for last time .

" Bye babe and Meera too." my bro said hugging me and kissing his wife .

We walked inside and I turned around for last time to look at him before going inside . He signed with his hand that he loves me . I smiled widely and waved him back .

We did not cry , we did not feel bad . We were actually neutral . Neither happy nor sad about our departure coz now we know that they are bound to come back at any cost

Will miss you baby - yours Arjun

He messaged me and I  felt like running back to him . He didn't call coz he knows we both wont resist with just a call .

" Akash we are extremely sorry , please forgive us !. " Khushi pleaded and I just chuckled standing beside Sanjana who's laughing at sight in front of us .

" Now now kneel down , Meera you also !." Akash ordered us .

We both got down on our knees  after our check in holding our ears and looking at him waiting for his next instruction.

" Now repeat after me you two kids." he said acting all supreme .

" We are sorry my king ! Pardon us and show some mercy on us , we can't live without your protection and awesomeness." Akash said .

" You are just over doing it." khushi scoffed .

" This is so much over the board Akash." Sanjana said .

" Okay then I will leave." he said turning around.

" Yeah as if he's the pilot and we can't fly unless his highness starts the engine." Khushi said rolling her eyes .

He heard her but didn't turn around nor did he move from his place .

" Alright pinky , we will repeat . Stop with your drama and help me get up you pig!." Khushi again shouted repeating whatever he asked us to say . I laughed loud falling on floor and clutching my stomach coz I couldn't see expression of khushi .

Soon Akash too joined us and helped me to get up and left Khushi alone dragging me along with his girlfriend.

" You just wait there buffalo! I am going to just rip your heart out !." She shouted trying to get up from there and ran after us .

Four of us got into flight by the time it started moving I saw Akash apologizing her .

Have safe flight Meera - yours Arjun .

Thank you for looking after her . You appear weak . Eat well my goat - Sid

I received messages from both my brother and my husband . I laughed looking at my brother's message , I don't know who told him that only goat eats grass not that he should compare me with other animals , it's funny he caught hold of that particular one !

I called Arjun as soon as I reached home

" Sleep well first then go to work baby." he said yawning a bit .
I was about to disconnect his call when I remembered something
" Arjun" I called him .

" Yes. " he said attentively.

" I left a gift for you
" I said excitedly.

" Really! Where is it?." He asked

" Find out." I answered biting my cheek

" Come on please...." He pleaded me.

" It's somewhere where you can see it easily , I mean you use it daily but I don't think you find it so quickly." I said.

" Meera that's not fair ! You challenged me and I am not going to back out now !." He said .

" Okay " I said laughing a bit .

" By the way what did you gift me?." He asked curiously.

" Something which I haven't given before and which you are eager to get " I said smiling a bit .

" Your virginity?." He asked seriously.

" Arjun! Shut up!." I shouted blushing hard

" Baby that's what I could figure out from whatever you told me." he said.

" Ok bye." I said disconnecting his call.
Like seriously? He's gone mad!

I just hope whatever I wanted to convey reaches him. I will wait until morning, if he doesn't find it . I am going tell him exact location of my gift for him!


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Dedicated Arju287

Hey guys I am planning to write spin off about sid- Khushi , Akash - sanjana. I thought you might be wondering what about them too ! If you want anything just let me know! Have a great day!

Until next time :)

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