chapter 18

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Feelings are curse.

He doesn't know how much I love him and my brother doesn't want khushi to know how much he loves her!

Aren't we perfect siblings?

" Why don't you want her to know?" I asked him.

" Coz it feels hell! " He said.

"And why it that? Maybe she will reciprocate?I can talk with her " I asked him.

" No Meera , I just want her to feel genuinely for me.  I have always liked her. " He answered dejectedly.

" Why did you kiss her suddenly?" I asked him.

" I just missed her badly, one of my friends visited me with his fiancee and they were kissing.... So I had..I wanted to kiss her. That's all" he answered feeling shy.

I smiled. " You are cute" I said.

He chuckled and started playing with his chain.

" So.. Are you ready? For tomorrow?" He asked.

" Hmm .. are you? You know she will be there " I asked him back.

"I am ready to kiss her again! " He laughed loudly.

"And her shoe to kiss your ass!" I added, you can say copy pasted her dialogue.

" Ouch !" He exclaimed rubbing his ass.

" You know you can't escape this situation , you have to face it at some point. You need to confess your feelings at one point so that you don't lose the person you love most" he said looking ahead.

" Hmm . I don't know, how will my life be. I feel weak infront of his feelings and confessions. What if I don't meet his expectations?  I don't know what caused him to confess and propose suddenly!" I answered my brother.

" Maybe he realised that strength lies in showing your emotions not hiding them, you should too" he said.

" And you too." I said.

" That I will for sure, arjun just made me realise how important is to have the person you love most at your side" he said .

"Did he? That's new , it's rich coming from the person who didn't realise until day before yesterday about it" I answered sarcastically.

My brother just laughed, didn't say a word. Their friendship is peculiar. They don't fight or abuse or even talk shit yet they understand each other

" Sleep well , I heard him saying that he's going to marry you by next Friday! " He said laughing a bit.

I scowled and said" so you want me to leave so early? "

" Yes why not? You have been here like parasite , just go now can't bear you anymore!" He exclaimed.

I was pissed. Wanted to kick him but I knew he doesn't mean that. Still I had to mess with him .

I got slowly from parapet wall jumped down and faced him " okay, if m getting married so early, m excited coz my friend will give company!I will not be alone to get married."

His expression suddenly became serious" and who is this friend?" He asked.

" Of course  it's khushi! She told me that she got some proposal.. that guy is some doctor..hmm I guess he's an orthopaedic surgeon . Will ask her to agree for it! It's so exciting to get married together! Wait! I will call her now!!!" I shouted walking backwards.

" You. Will. Not. Do. That." He shouted gritting his teeth.

" Oh I willllll!" I shouted and ran from there.

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