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"Arjun! Get your ass here now. " Meera shouted. I woke up from my deep slumber and ran towards kitchen.

I saw that her water broke and she's holding kitchen counter for support.

" Shit!" I said moving towards her.

" So this is shit for you? Huh?" She screamed at me holding her tummy.

What? How come she has superpowers to hear everything?! God my woman has got wide range of mood swings.

" No Meera ! Shh calm down. Come can you walk till our car or should I carry you.?" I asked her gently holding her hand.

" I will walk , I don't want you to hold this shit." she said walking before me.

I grabbed a shirt for myself and asked my mum to bring her bag as I can't carry everything now. Hospital is ten minutes away from our house and we were in our car with my wife cursing and shouting at me.

" Meera , please I will never address our child as shit, you know. Please don't stress about that word .. you know I use it for every small thing." I said while glancing at her.

" Will you just shut up? And drive.?" She shouted.

It's early in the morning with no traffic , we reached there in record time and they wheeled her inside. I was walking along with her till they reached operation theatre.

" Arjun , I will never allow you to touch me again." she shouted angrily at me and that was the last thing I heard from her.

" Sir , doctor says you can come inside while procedure is being done to support your wife. If you want to , I will send sterilised clothes for you." with that said nurse left me.

" Arrghh." I could hear Meera shouting. I decided not to go but I can't see my wife in pain. Even though she swears bad than sailor , she is mine and she got right to do that.

I walked inside and was tensed. Nurses were helping her to calm her down and someone just poked a injection into her back and arm!
What hell is wrong with people?!
I ran towards her pushing the nurse in the process.

"Arrjun." Meera called me holding my hands.

"Push Meera." her doctor ordered and Meera did squeezing my hand in process.

After few minutes I could hear a small cry and within 10min  they handed over me my beautiful gift.

" Congratulations sir , it's a girl!" Doctor congratulated me handing me over our small bundle of joy!

Gosh ! She has same blue eyes like her mother but lighter shade ! She's pink and fluffy and very delicate to look at.

" Arjun." Meera called me .I immediately shifted towards her holding her close to Meera .

" A girl!" She said smiling a bit.

" Thank you Meera . I can never ever forget this day." I said kissing her forehead.

She smiled and slept due to exhaustion.

"Wow , she's so small." Nik said touching my daughter's feet.

" She looks so tiny." Sameer exclaimed.

" Damn ! Look at her eyes !" Sid pointed out.

" I just hope she doesn't prefer eating only grass! " Sid commented holding her hands.

Meera smacked him hard on his head and said " not my daughter stay out of it "

"Aww my little cute goat !" Sid cooed kissing her head .

" Shut up and go from here !" Meera shouted startling our little bundle of joy .

It's been a month and still they are fascinated. Sid and khushi are going good, they decided to take a year break and enjoy their lives . Me and Meera also decided to take some rest , let's just say  I enjoyed baby making process which resulted in present situation.

" Won't you name our niece ?" Nik asked jumping around my daughter trying to grasp her attention.

" We will." both me and Meera said at a time .

" So??? What did you think ?" Sameer asked excitedly.

" Ananya or Isha" I said looking at my love.

" Isha "

" Ananya"

My dad and meera's mum said at once. We both looked at each other and sighed. It's going to be really difficult if they fight over it.

" I have an idea" I said grabbing everyone's attention.

" Let's name her Aisha , it's bit from both names ? Happy? You don't need to fight over it!" I announced.

" Yes! I love it ! Wow your brain sure works for real!" Meera shouted hugging me. I smiled at her and looked my family already giving my  daughter nicknames and how are they are going to spoil her.

" Oh my god she's going extremely pink in colour" my mum said looking at her granddaughter. Me and Meera laughed at her .

" Achu." we heard small sneeze from my daughter. She goes all pink when she's about to sneeze. My baby is really delicate.

All of us laughed looking at her. She looks like doll. My own doll. I glanced at Meera who's feeding our child while talking with my mum. I am proud father and husband too.

I finally found my home in them .

Please vote comment and share my story!

I know it's short and sweet.
Officially and finally its done!
I will be writing one shots about Meera - Arjun , sid- khushi , Akash - Sanjana .

Hope you all enjoyed this story and yeah ! Keep voting , commenting and sharing my story . Who knows I might even dedicate a chapter ! Hurry up !

Until next time :)

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