Chapter 7

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Her eyes were so bright, that they blinded me. I was about to say something, when something hard and heavy hit me round the head.

All I could remember was the pain and then everything went black.

I woke up what felt like a few days later and opened my eyes to a strange sight. I was wrapped up in several blankets lying snuggled up on a bed that was in the middle of  a white empty room. No other furniture or decorations just this bed and white, white walls.

Where was I?

I frantically looked around the room but stayed in my bed as I didn't want to make any noise, incase someone was listening. But I did not recognise anything.

Even if a pin dropped, that would not be heard. There was not a sound.

It was deadly silent.

I didn't know what to do, I had no idea how long I had been here, and my mum would be worried sick.

Then all of a sudden I heard some footsteps approaching the white door. Everything was white apart from the door handle, which was a beautiful gold colour.

All of a sudden, the door handle slowly turned. I lay back down and pretended to be asleep as quickly as possible. I listened and heard a number of footsteps come into the room. I couldn't  open my eyes, these people, whoever they are, cannot know that I have woken up.

I heard them whispering to each other about something. Whatever it was, it was causing them a lot of anxiety.

I heard a lady saying over and over again that 'time was running out and that they needed help.'

I then felt someone's shadow over me and my whole body tensed. Do they know that I am listening to their conversations?

I stopped breathing.

What did they want from me?

I stayed as still as I possibly could. Then suddenly I felt a person tap me gently on the shoulder. They said in a considerate voice,

'Kat, we know you are awake, you don't need to be scared of us!'

I didn't know whether to trust them or not, but I knew that I needed to find out why I was in this room and what had happened before everything went black.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked straight into a pair of stunning purple eyes, which I recognised to be Stella's. I then looked around the room.  There were Ky, Tori and Theo staring at me, all with worried looks. Then I noticed the same lady with gold eyes and jet black hair looking at me with a stern expression, which scared me a little.

I sat up as they watched my every move. I felt a sharp pain coming from the back of my head and the blood seemed to pump very loudly in my ears. I let out a small gasp of pain. 'Aw Kat are you ok?' said Stella.

'We are sorry but we had to get you to calm down so that we could explain everything to you. We will get you a fresh pair of clothes. You have been in them for several days now as you have been unconscious in bed' said Tori.

Tori and Stella then shooed the boys out of the room and the lady with gold eyes followed them out as well.

Stella then went to go and fetch some clothes, while Tori tried to get me to stand up, with little luck.

After being in bed for several days, it felt like I had no control over my body anymore.

After a few tries, I got up and Tori led me to the bathroom, which I had not noticed before. She sat me down on the toilet and then placed a cold flannel on the front and back of my head to cool me down.

I then asked her the question that had been at the back of my mind for a while,

'Who is that women with the golden eyes?'

She looked at me, hesitated and then replied.

'She is one of the six leaders that are in charge of ruling our kingdom.'

I had no idea what she was on about.

'What do you mean.... our kingdom?' I questioned her.

'The kingdom where people have certain powers that change according to what element group they are part of. These groups then give them their eye colour and the streaks in their hair,' she said whilst playing with her hair nervously.' said Tori.

What? I was in a state of shock, these people who I had been warned were weird are now telling me that they were part of a different world where people belonged to an element.

All I thought was that this didn't make any sense and that it couldn't be true.

I had to get out of here and get home.



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