Chapter 32

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This was it, the end of it all.

I woke up for the last time in this world, which I was till in awe of. Every single part of this universe was beautiful. As, unlike on earth where we work against nature and the elements, people in Galantia work with it. I opened my eyes and looked next to me, where Theo had laid down last but the space was empty, as per usual he hadn't stayed long enough for the others to see the other side of him.

It then clicks inside of me that last night was the last time I was gonna ever be able to touch or spend time with Theo because once we got back to the city, the rule that two people from different elements couldn't show any sign of affection would be put back into place.

I walked towards Stella, who was still sound asleep and shook her lightly awake. She opened her eyes  and said 'Morning,' strangely happy. Probably because she was nearly home. The other two were lying together, in their own embrace and I knew that they were savoring their last few moments together because once they got back to reality, their lives would drastically change.

Theo was packing his bag and getting his Kalakin ready so I began doing so myself. Once I had packed, I helped Stella as well, who always struggled with putting away her blanket as it was so much thicker than the rest of ours. 

After a few minutes, Ky and Tori had finally woken up and Ky had laughed sweetly at Tori's hair, which was all over the place. We then all giggled with him.

'Stop!' She said, playfully slapping Ky's shoulder. 

Once we had finished, we all sat on our Kalakins and walked on towards the end of our mission. Even though we had made it and accomplished everything we had set out to do, I still felt like there was something missing.


An hour passed and the familiar building of the school and its gates came back into view. As soon as we arrived, a group of people ran towards us, some I recognized and others I didn't but all of them were cheering. I looked around the crowd. Some looked relieved, others looked a little jealous but mostly everyone was happy.

The others loved the attention and had beaming smiles on their faces but I just couldn't help but look around and see Theo, looking a little glum. All of the people were still in awe of our Kalakins, only having ever heard about them in stories and fairy tales.

I jumped off my Kalakin and let it roam off by itself, pushing my way through the crowd but she just followed on behind me. I was finally out of the body of the crowd, which had engulfed us as we arrived and I saw the headmistress's nodding approval of my work. I walked up to her and said 'It's all done,' with a smile, which for some reason I found difficult to muster.

'Yes, we felt it all as soon as the creature were killed,' she said with a nod of her head and added 'I believed in you and your powers. I knew they would eventually get to their full potential.'

'Yeah, they did,' I replied.

'Well what's next?,' she asked.

'Home, I guess, I need to see my mum,' I said,glancing behind me quickly, catching sight of Theo. My heart pulled towards him but I knew this was for the best.

'Well if that's your choice, we wish you the best. Remember, the elements are your friends, even through the darkness. Never forget that they are there, otherwise they will call out to you,' she said, giving me hug, surprising me a little at first. She then walked off towards the crowd of her pupils,  and Miss Rosaline, the combats teacher. All of them happy, as them and their world had been saved.

I then looked at them all for a split second and I knew I was ready. So I started walking towards the exit of this world, the portals.

'Hey wait up,' Stella said. 'Where you going?' She added concerned.

'Home,' I said, tears coming to my eyes as soon as I looked at her. I was hoping to skip this part as I hated goodbyes. These guys had become my friends and they had made me realise that there was more to life then just sticking with the norm.  And that you should never judge someone purely on looks.

At first when they came to my school, everyone thought they were strange and didn't talk to them but I gave them a chance and my life changed for the better.

'Really?' Stella said, sadness in her voice. The others must have realized that I wasn't with them anymore because they came over, Ky dragging Theo along with him.

'What's happening?' Tori asked.

'I'm leaving, and I'm gonna miss you guys but I have to get back to my life,' I said looking at the floor, not ably to make eye contact with them.

'Ok, if this is what you want,' Ky said, with a smile. I was glad he understood.

'Lets go then,' Stella said, walking towards the place where this all begun, the portals.

They were glimmering and I could see through them, a glance back into my world. As they said at the start, wherever you wanted to be in the world, it would take you there.

'Come here guys,' I said to them, holding out my arms. They all smiled and ran towards me, squeezing me tightly.

'Come visit,' I added.

'Of course,' they all said, apart from Theo who was trying to show no emotions but I could see the tears coming, however hard he was holding them back.

'I love you guys you know,' I said and then I turned around,ready. I walked towards the portal and closed my eyes, imagining my familiar room, with its little desk in the corner, the comfy double bed at the centre and the piles of books that were dotted around the room, keeping the whole experience of Galantia at the back of my mind.

And as I stepped forward, I felt the air change, it was heavier and somehow just different. And I could smell the familiar sent of my room.

I was home.


Thanks for reading :)

One more chapter to go (sad face)

Love you guys and thanks for 2K reads, it means the worldxxx

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